

  • Last day for discount at SwagDog

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Those awesome folks at SwagDog, who sponsor our Guild of the Month Contest, have released a new guild icon shirt design that is much simpler than their original one. Some folks like Alex really like it, and since the man has good taste, chances are you guys just might, too. That's not the only good news, though. The deal is that those guys at SwagDog have given readers a sweet 15% discount when ordering one of these babies (the shirt, guys, the shirt). All you have to do is use the promo coupon wowicon15 when you checkout.The bad news is that that code is just good enough for today, the last day of SwagDog's cool 48-hour promo. These shirts are fully customizable, and even though they're supposed to be guild icons, you can actually customize your own design using one of the game's many fun icons. While skulls and crossbones or dragons and axes might be cool, you can just as easily use a crying bear for that kawaii factor. Or a beer mug. It's Brewfest, after all. What're you waiting for? You've only got a few hours left! Get hopping, people!

  • SwagDog releases new design, limited time discount

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This past week, SwagDog (sponsor for our Guild of the Month contest) released their newest custom t-shirt design: The Guild Icon shirt. Whereas their Guild Tabard design is a little busy (with your muscled nerd chest being graced with a guild standard of sorts), their new design is more simplistic in comparison. Your guild icon is front and center, laid atop your faction's icon. Your character's name, race, class and server are listed in white at the bottom, and your guild name across the top. If you so choose, it looks like you have the option to leave your guild and character name blank if you really want the icon to pop. The icon itself has a really cool stone texture to it, like it's been carved out. You can check out a close-up sample of that behind the cut below. This is honestly much closer to my ideal guild t-shirt than anything I've seen yet. The simple design just seems better to me.If you agree, you're in luck! For the next 48 hours, SwagDog and are giving you 15% off your purchase if you use the coupon code wowicon15 at checkout. Even if this is something you normally wouldn't wear, you could consider it preparation for BlizzCon 2010. No, they haven't officially announced it, but you just know it's going to happen. Plus, from the picture up above it looks like these shirts have magic powers and put the wearer into a state of rapture and/or nirvana. That's pretty cool. I'd take 15% off of nirvana.