

  • Officers' Quarters: 5 arguments for guild halls

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    Every Monday, Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership. He is the author of The Guild Leader's Handbook. A few weeks ago, a Twitter user named Quentin Charton asked Ghostcrawler whether WoW could eventually have guild housing. Ghostcrawler's reply was "We worry that guild housing is only content for the guild leaders." If implemented properly, I think guild halls could be a home run for WoW. Here are five reasons why. 1. Guild leaders and officers deserve in-game rewards. Ghostcrawler doesn't want to create content just for guild leaders. My question is, why not? Leading a guild is not easy. It requires making sacrifices, both in-game and in the real world, since it takes time and energy. Don't guild leaders and their officers deserve a few small in-game perks? I agree that the entire guild hall experience shouldn't be for officers only. However, a guild hall could have a special place in it for officers. You could call it something simple like, say, off the top of my head . . . the "Officers' Quarters." This location would have a few small bonuses for them, like a flask vending machine you can use once a day (like Blingtron). Such a perk would be a welcome thank you to the players who make all the best group content in WoW happen.

  • TERA gives players a guide to guilds

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Maybe TERA is your first MMO, maybe you want to learn about what TERA offers its guilds, or maybe you just want to see guilds defined as something other than small-scale drama generators for once. There are a lot of reasons you might want to look at TERA's new guide to guilds in the game, but whatever your motivation, the guide will provide you with all the answers you need to start guilding away with ease. The main benefit to being in a guild in TERA are the guild quests; available all across the game, each guild quest provides players with Catharnac Awards that can be used to improve the guild's level and buy special items from vendors. You also need to be part of a level 3 guild to run for public office, which is all the more reason for politically minded players to make friends. But don't take our word for it -- after all, there's a guide to tell you all of this in detail.

  • Lost Pages of Taborea: Guild activities

    Jeremy Stratton
    Jeremy Stratton

    What does a guild mean to you? Guilds are the unified packs of like-minded players we gather around to create a little home for ourselves in our favorite MMOs. Guilds are a way to offer camaraderie, a band of tightly knit players who can help each other for mutual gain. Whether it's a family playing together online, close real-life friends who want to create a personal space to hang out, or single players who could use a helping hand to get through harder content, guilds can provide all of them On one hand, having a function to create a guild isn't much more than a label, but that can go a long way. Players run with those kind of tools and create mini-societies and alliances, and they parcel out the playerbase into feudal territories. Even if a guild can be boiled down to just a special name tag, guilds can provide a powerful mechanism for players. Nowadays MMOs are giving guilds more to do, and Runes of Magic has more than its share of guild activities. Let's take a look at what guilds have access to.

  • The Guild Counsel: A guild guide to RIFT

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    With all of the buzz this week surrounding the launch of RIFT, I thought it would be a good opportunity for The Guild Counsel to take a closer look at guilds in the game. On the surface, with all of the solo content and the public grouping feature around rift invasions, it might not seem that guilds are very important. But at the higher levels, guilds definitely have a purpose, such as prepping for raid content, working on ancient wardstone quests, or coordinating PvP attacks in Warfronts and in the open world. This week, we'll cover the basics of how to form up a guild and then take a closer look at some of the guild tools available to guild leaders.

  • Runes of Magic details Chapter III Phase One

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Frogster has announced Phase One of the Chapter III: The Elder Kingdoms update for their free-to-play fantasy MMORPG Runes of Magic. The patch, scheduled for next week, looks to be chock full of new content, and the phased approach is designed to get players to high level and primed for all of the fun coming down the pipe. Phase One will include a new zone, Thunderhoof Hills, as well as a new Collectible Card System. Slain monsters will drop cards that give character attribute bonuses, offering you another way to build your avatar. Additionally, Phase One is introducing instance difficulty levels which will affect loot drops as well as improved grouping and public encounter interface elements. If all that isn't enough for you, Frogster has more on the way. Guild castle upgrades are coming with Phase One, as are guild quests and guild castle minigames including Spirit Warrior, Needle Drill, and Call of the Horns. Last but certainly not least, Phase One brings the Spring Festival event as well and the Expedition 60 bonus XP events. Whew. Check out the official site for all of the details.