

  • First tracks from Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80's revealed

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    An alarming abundance of outrageous attitudes? Check. Enormous shoulder pads and poor color coordination? Check. Extravagantly large hair and excessively shiny accessories? Check. With this Summer's upcoming Guitar Hero expansion, Rocks the 80's, publisher Activision is dangerously close to delivering their first Japanese RPG. Thankfully, Opposable Thumbs reminds us that it's all about the music and lists the first seven tracks from the game's 30-strong list. I Wanna Rock (by Twisted Sister) I Ran (by Flock of Seagulls) Round and Round (as made famous by Ratt) I Want Candy (as made famous by Bow Wow Wow) Metal Health (as made famous by Quiet Riot) Holy Diver (as made famous by Dio) Heat Of The Moment (as made famous by Asia) Given the lack of the "as made famous" bit, it seems original recordings are provided by everybody's favorite contorted siblings and maritime birds. Curiously, Opposable Thumbs notes that Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80's will be "exclusive" to the PlayStation 2. Does that imply exclusivity for the in-store version, with the Xbox 360 receiving the expansion in downloadable form? Why would Activision limit the game's reach? After all, the pricing of Guitar Hero's online tracks makes it pretty clear that the publisher enjoys making money.[Thanks, Jess]

  • Rock Band to feature Fender guitars and equipment

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Harmonix and EA announced that their upcoming rhythm game, Rock Band, will feature a Fender Stratocaster guitar peripheral, and Fender guitars, basses, amps, and other equipment in game. Rock Band will also feature BOSS and Roland in game. CEO of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Bill Mendello showed great interest and enthusiasm in Harmonix using Fender equipment in the game, commending the developer's ability to capture the essence of rock 'n' roll in digital entertainement. So, since the GH II Gibson X-plorer will play nice with Rock Band, which one are you going to side with? Fender or Gibson?

  • Guitar Hero II ad by Gorillaz animation director

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    You know that badass commercial for Guitar Hero II that we first showed you that later came to Marketplace? Yeah, the one that looks strikingly similar to Gorillaz music videos' artistic style? Well, evidently that comparison is with good reason, at it turns out that the credits to the animation go to Peter Candleland, the Gorillaz animation director from Passion Pictures had a hand in the style of the 360 rock title's TV spot, so the similarities are justified. We also hunted down the animator for the piece, Robert Valley, and a lot of his other work is consistent with the feel throughout. Still, the "Woman vs. Meteor" ad is right up there with Mad World in our books, what about you?

  • Guitar Hero II cardboard fret mod

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Over at they've posted a helpful tutorial to fix those unreliable Guitar Hero II fret buttons on your X-plorer guitar. Their tutorial is for those of you who experience not so responsive fret buttons when rocking out to your favorite jam. This unresponsive fret button problem occurs when the fret buttons don't fully press down on the contact due to some shifting action. And all you need to fix those buttons is some confidence to open up your guitar, some cardboard, scissors, and tape. And voila! Fret buttons fixed. We're just wondering what type of cardboard would work best. Gushers, Pop-Tarts, Fruit By the Foot, or Cheerios ... oh the choices.[Via Digg]

  • Canadian and UK Guitar Hero II supply woes

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Joystiq reports that Guitar Hero II supply problems are becoming prevalent to gamers in Canada and the UK. This has been confirmed by one of Joystiq's UK bloggers, who states, "I've tried about a dozen retail stores, [it's] harder to find than a Wii." Wow, that is hard to find. When reached for comment, Red Octane told Joystiq that the supply issues were purely a result of an "insane amount of demand" for the title. Furthermore, they note that there are still many retailers in the United States experiencing supply troubles as well.Red Octane's advice? Buy directly from the Red Octane store. If you just have to have Guitar Hero II (and honestly, you do), ordering from Red Octane may be your only hope. Be warned though, shipping costs are not cheap.

  • WRUP: beta late than neva edition

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    So, the weekend is officially upon us, and at least in the Great White North, the forecast is wet and gloomy, which pretty much means sitting back in a Sumo lounge chair and gaming away. We'll probably try to get some final matches of Shadowrun in before the beta ends Monday night, rock out to Guitar Hero II, or go back to old favorites like Oblivion and Gears of War. But that's us. What of you, fellow fanboy, what are you going to be playing?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX360F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles Dawson

  • Xbox 360's Guitar Hero II axe: now shredding in OS X

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Ah, the sequence of events is nearly complete. First, we get the Xbox 360 axe rockin' on the console itself, and then comes the inevitable hacks to get it rollin' on Windows, and without further adu, we present the ability to melt those plastic frets on OS X. Thanks to an impressive development from TattieBogle (v0.5), a USB driver which purportedly "allows the use of wired Xbox 360 controllers via USB" on your OS X-based machine is finally available. Apparently, it actually works fairly well to boot, so if you've been pouting over your Mac not being able to enjoy the same face melting Guitar Hero II niceties as the other guys, be sure to hit the read link and get your download on.[Via Joystiq]

  • Possible leak: New GH II downloadable tracks

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The guys over at HarmonixFans received some special insider's information on the new Guitar Hero II downloadable content that will be coming to the XBLM. The information supposedly came from Microsoft certification documents that were obtained and detail three new track packs including songs from Pantera, The Ramones and ZZ Top. Complete listings of the rumored songs are posted after the break. And even if this information turns out to be false, we know more DLC is coming and pray to the gaming gods and executives at Red Octane that they listened to their fans and adjusted their prices. How can they deny our loud and abrasive fanboy whining?[Via Arrogantics]

  • RedOctane promises new Guitar Hero every year

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Tina Turner be damned, you're getting a new Guitar Hero game every year. In a Eurogamer interview, RedOctane co-founder and president, Kai Huang, reveals that every guitar freak's favorite franchise will soon have something in common with large men tossing balls and slamming into each other. "I think that fans can definitely expect that we're going to have one major release a year," says Kai. Following that, the peripheral manufacturer plans to "release update packs and content packs so there's more songs." And what about the controversial pricing of already released song packs? The pricing's "competitive," says Huang, though his comment may have been slightly garbled due to the degradation of interplanetary transmissions. "We've done a lot of evaluation on the pricing and the costs for each of the songs and how they work for each of the packs, and we think that they're priced competitively, but certainly we listen to the fans and we take that feedback, and if that's something we'll need to evaluate we'll do that."An annual release of Guitar Hero is hardly something we'd consider to be terrible news, but one caveat certainly needs to be heard -- not many franchises keep their sparkle on a yearly release schedule. Even fellow music maniac, Dance Dance Revolution, has taken a few bad steps in its rapid-fire career. We cringe at the thought of seeing a great franchise doing a power slide... down a set of stairs.

  • Red Octane 'looking into' Guitar Hero II patch problems

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    "We're aware of the problem and we're looking into it." So says RedOctane in response to complaints of a Guitar Hero II patch leaving Xbox 360s paralyzed by the dreaded red ring of death. A string of users have posted their tales of woe on the official Xbox forums, noting post-patch game freezes, startup glitches and eventual system lockups. The patch was initially issued to correct unresponsive whammy bars in some guitar controllers.Though Red Octane doesn't divulge to Eurogamer just exactly what "we're looking into it" entails, there's little hope that a further software patch could repair completely inoperative consoles. There's also no direct evidence to suggest that the patch itself is causing the Xbox 360 hardware to malfunction. The operating system might be fooled into thinking there is, however, which isn't much better than a physical malfunction. This occurrence is awfully similar to what transpires whenever a new Xbox 360 game is released -- is software causing a new problem, or is it letting you know that you had a rotten system to begin with?We'll let you know as soon as RedOctane or Microsoft comment further.

  • Online multiplayer coming to Guitar Hero III

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Recently announced Guitar Hero III will be sporting something we wish Guitar Hero II would have included ... online multiplayer. In an interview with Red Octane president Kai Huang, Pro-G confirmed that GH III would indeed include an online component. So fanboys, does this mean that a rumored future GH II update to include online multiplayer will never see the light of day? Well, it doesn't sound overly promising seeing that they'll probably use "Super Duper Online Multiplayer" as a new feature and bullet point for their third installment. Oh well, we still love you GH II and will wait to see if you'll grace us with online play later this year.[Via Joystiq]

  • Red Octane looses Guitar Hero II patch for Xbox 360

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We're not quite ready to consider this a coincidence, but the hard-working souls over at Red Octane have officially unleashed a patch for the malfunctioning Guitar Hero II axes just in time for the weekend. Recently, it was claimed that axes sporting 95065 and 95055 model numbers could lose responsiveness in the whammy bar, but thanks to Xbox Live, users can download the patch and get back to unadulterated rockin' right away. So what are you waiting for? Finish up those finger exercises, fire up your console, and let us know if in fact the downloadable solution mends the problem.[Via Joystiq]

  • GH II updated, no more whammy problems

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Red Octane, being very stealth like, released an auto update for Guitar Hero II early this morning fixing everyone's whammy bar woes. The other day, we learned that people's broken whammy bars weren't a result of malfunctioning hardware, but were software based. Red Octane said that whammy bar problems were being caused by a chunk of anti-cheating dev code that they added late in the development cycle. So, the newly released auto update fixes this code problem and whammy bars the world over can go back to whammying. Fire up your copy of Guitar Hero II, download the update, and whammy until your heart is content. Now, we just have to get Red Octane to acknowledge that they over priced GH II's DLC and fix that whole mess. But we'll deal with that next week.[Thanks, DeadPlasmaCell]

  • PSP Fanboy Theatre: Volume 15

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PSP Fanboy offers the latest and greatest movie and game trailers, formatted for the PSP in this new weekly feature. Check it out every Saturday. PSP owners can download files wirelessly via Save all movie and thumbnail files to the VIDEO folder. These high resolution 480x272 videos require firmware 3.30 or above. (Note: OE custom firmware will also play these videos.) Manhunt 2Download MP4 (6.8MB) | Download JPG The following videos are featured after the break: Blue Dragon, Gene Simmons - Guitar Hero II Tournament, God of War II: Mythology, Guitar Hero II [360]

  • Red Octane says Xbox 360 guitars patched via Xbox Live

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Apparently Red Octane discovered the problem in their guitars and fixed it with a software patch this morning. On Red Octane's website they're saying that as of 4 AM pacific today a patch is available via Xbox Live that "should resolve the situation where input from the whammy bar was not always recognized."Red Octane admitted a week ago that two models of their Xbox 360 guitars were "defective." This followed a week of wannabe guitar heroes discovering that their axes were having problems with their whammy bar, strangely the whammy defect seemed to have a higher prevalence in the first batch of guitars with a 95055 on the box. Red Octane says the situation is fixed now. This doesn't explain the sticky yellow fret button or the complaints of "shocks" by some people, but the original whammy bar issue seems resolved. People with "defective" guitars, after downloading the patch, is it fixed?[Thank you James]

  • Video: Killer Queen on GHII, worth $6?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    So, Red Octane and Activision have taken some flack for the pricing of of the Guitar Hero II downloadable content. As a quick reminder, the song packs costs $6.25. With three songs to a pack, that's a little more than 2 bucks a song. Regardless of whether or not the pricing is truly reflective of the licensing costs and other related costs, many folks out there think the price is too high. So, we found this video on GameTrailers showcasing one of the new tracks, Queen's "Killer Queen." The pack also includes "Frankenstein" by the Edgar Winter Group and "Take It Off" by The Donnas, which are both decent songs in their own way. The question is then, now that you've seen "Killer Queen" as it plays in Guitar Hero II, is the $2/song price any more palatable? Would any of you be more amenable to paying 160 points for individual songs?

  • GHII problems software based, patch inbound

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Guitar Hero II, we've been writing about it nonstop since it was released. It was the major topic of our most recent Fancast. The song packs have outraged us. The game itself, however, is basically pure gaming gold. At least, it's gold so long as you have a functional guitar. Our own David Dreger, for example, has a broken whammy bar. Or does he? According to a recent statement from Activision, it looks like the whammy bar issue may actually stem from software, not hardware. Activision and Red Octane's support pages note that the issue is caused by an element of Guitar Hero II that was added to "ensure accurate scoring". In other words, it was placed there to prevent cheating. Activision plans to release a patch that should rectify the issue within the coming weeks. So, if you were planning on fixing that guitar yourself, you may want to wait for the patch. After all, if you fix your guitar, and then Activision patches the game, you may wind up with the same problem all over again.

  • Major Nelson on GHII DLC, Halo 3, Sony

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Before the NYC Guitar Hero II event with Gene Simmons got into full swing, Joystiq got the chance to sit down with Larry Hryb (AKA Major Nelson) and talk about all things Xbox. Speaking about the highly priced Guitar Hero II downloadable songs, Major Nelson states that it's not analogous to iTunes. In other words, the interactivity, the licensing, and the testing all go into creating a price for the new tracks. Furthermore, since the tracks are on a new platform, all the contracts have to be renegotiated. Of course, Red Octane wants to make some money as well. When asked about the bundling issue -- i.e. "I have to buy two crappy songs to get the one I like" -- Major Nelson says that bundling was probably done to bring the cost down. By working on three songs at once, rather than individual songs, Red Octane could conceivably cut down on development costs, thus reducing the price to consumers. In other words, individual songs would likely be even more expensive.Major Nelson also discusses the upcoming Halo 3 beta, the competition from Sony, the Spring Update, and the Wii. Hit the "read" link for the full interview.See Also:Xbox 360 Fancast 010 (featuring Major Nelson)

  • GH II and Gene Simmons rock NYC

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Joystiq was in NYC to capture all the Guitar Hero II festivities at the Virgin Megastore and almost got to touch KISS rocker Gene Simmons. The event featured a few of the best Guitar Hero II players this side of Texas who battled it out for a chance to rock with Mr. Simmons. Think of it as a one big marketing event where you mix one part old rockstar with three parts video games and watch the magic happen. The video above features the GH II winner rocking it out withe Gene and also a few awkward moments, but overall it was a pretty entertaining show. Also, be sure to check out both Joystiq and Major Nelson's photo galleries from the event to get a real sense of what it's like to be in the presence of a "rock god". The event looked fun, but now it's time to watch our favorite TV show, Family Jewels ... that Gene Simmons is such a character.

  • Fans revolt! GH II DLC is just too spendy

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Yesterday, the first batch of downloadable content for Guitar Hero II released onto the XBLM with a very negative reception from fans. Red Octane released three packs to the Marketplace each containing three songs from Guitar Hero and costing 500 Microsoft points ($6.25 US) each. And there in lies the problem ... this content is expensive! The negative buzz surrounding the new tracks has not only spilled onto Major Nelson's website sparking a 560+ comment debate, but inspired angry fans to take action. Enter an online petition aimed at getting Red Octane and Microsoft's attention to do something about the over priced DLC. The online petition has gained a bunch of steam racking up over 3,600 signatures and is sure to gain more throughout the next few days. Will Red Octane respond to fan's anger towards the DLC's pricing scheme, or will they simply turn a blind eye? Well, there's only one way to find out. If you don't agree with the pricing for Guitar Hero II's new DLC and are willing to boycott any such purchase until the price comes down, then sign the online petition. If it's one thing we've learned in the past few weeks it's that sometimes those online petitions actually do work.[Thanks, MightyHealthy]