

  • Duke Nukem Forever's 'Capture the Babe' mode is a slap in the face

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Finally, you can stop holding out hope for that Soylent Green game that'll enable the repeated, unnecessary slapping of women -- Duke Nukem Forever has it covered. According to the latest OXM, Duke's next outing features four multiplayer modes, one of which (Capture the Babe) features a "babe" who will sporadically "freak out," which then necessitates "a reassuring slap," as the mag puts it. The piece attempts to reassure us -- thankfully sans slap -- that the act is "more goofy than offensive," though we're not sure how virtually slapping a "manic" female could be spun in an inoffensive way. Perhaps if your hand looked like the one in that Foo Fighters video for "Everlong," and her cheeks were actually balloons, and she was manic from eating too much sugar? We just don't know. Additionally, details on Dukematch and Team Dukematch were revealed -- they're both deathmatch modes, basically. "Hail to the King" rounds out the multiplayer with a King of the Hill-style mode, and all modes are limited to eight players (four vs four). Only one mode, however, allows for domestic violence. Update: The Redner Group clarified for us that Duke won't actually be slapping the "babe" in her face, as much as he'll be slapping her on the butt. That's MUCH more acceptable!

  • The Queue: Acronymification, FWIW

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome back to The Queue, WoW Insider's daily Q&A column where the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Alex Ziebart will be your host today.The last few editions of The Queue had a lot about tanking, and deciding which Heroic is the best Heroic to tank your first time around. Adam said Utgarde Pinnacle was a good training ground, and his opinion was thoroughly stomped upon for being wrong. I have to say, though... Utgarde Pinnacle was my first Wrath heroic as a tank and it worked pretty well. I did a lot of tanking in The Burning Crusade so maybe I'm a little different since I already knew what I was doing, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it's made out to be. Mobs in Utgarde Pinnacle hit really hard, and it taught me to get back into the habit of using my cooldowns properly and not relying completely on my healer to keep me standing.I won't say Adam was right, but I also won't say he was wrong. Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle and Heroic CoT: Stratholme are the two dungeons that taught me the most about tanking. Teaching myself to remember to use my own cooldowns and mitigation abilities, learning how to pace a group and keep them moving, relearning how to handle different types of mobs. They were a challenge, oh yes, but that's why I learned so much from them. Easier heroics like Violet Hold didn't teach me to do much because you basically nap through the thing. Then again, I am sort of a 'trial by fire' kind of guy. I need to die a few times to figure out whether I'm capable of something or not.CallMeIrd asked.."Are they going to change or remove the School of Hard Knocks achievements? It's pretty much impossible for a lot of players to achieve."