

  • Halo 3 Zune US military edition

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Microsoft has come out with a Halo 3 military edition Zune for members of the US armed forces. The Zune will be available exclusively at military retail stores in August and comes with pre-loaded stuff that is probably similar to the civilian Halo 3 Zune.A group of soldiers who left for active duty today from Baltimore Washington International airport received the first batch. Microsoft is offering the military edition of the Zune to military personnel and their families at discounted rates. So, if you're a member of the military or family member you might be able to make a couple extra bucks selling it to fanboys who love themselves some limited edition Halo stuff. We were bummed to find out the military edition didn't have camouflage or a cloaking device.Note: Please keep the comments related to Halo 3 and/or the Zune.

  • Win a Halo 3 Zune from HBO

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The friendly faces over at halo.bungie.org have partnered with Bungie to give away four spiffy new Halo 3 branded Zunes. But be warned, you'll have to be somewhat creative to win one. To enter, you have to create a Halo video or song for one of the four categories including; Halo song parody, original Halo song, Halo 3 beta montage video, or Halo original machinima. One winner will be chosen from each category and become a proud owner of a Halo 3 Zune. Yes, you'll have to work for it, but we know you guys are creative and have some down time to get an entry finished. So, with the only words of encouragement we can offer, get to work already and win yourself a Haloicious Zune!