

  • Stick and Rudder: Getting perspective on Star Citizen's development

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I recently spent a week enjoying the hell out of Elite: Dangerous. CCP's Valkyrie project -- a virtual reality EVE Online riff powered by Oculus -- is apparently far enough along to merit public demos and a slow-burning hype train. And Star Citizen? Well, I can still solo around in my hangar, fitting ship guns and firing them at cardboard targets. I bring all this up not to pile on Cloud Imperium. On the contrary, I'm OK with SC's development pace, and if you're on the world side of the world-vs.-game debate, you should be OK with it too.

  • Star Citizen's hangar module gets a functionality patch

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you haven't peeked at your Star Citizen hangar in the last couple of weeks, today would be an ideal time to do so. Why's that? Well, because Cloud Imperium has patched the hangar module to include a number of bug fixes and a tad bit of new functionality. Cutlass and Freelancer owners will be glad to know their ships have been updated, and everyone else will be glad to know that their holotables now display ammo and their firing range targets will now move. The full list of patch notes is available on the Star Citizen website, as is the hangar client download provided that you're a backer.

  • Stick and Rudder: On Star Citizen's cash shop

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Remember last time when I said that Cloud Imperium's decision to release a playable pre-alpha Star Citizen module was a risky move? Forget that. I mean, it still kinda was, but this particular story had a happy ending. Star Citizen's first public-facing in-game deliverable has been live for over a week now, and for all intents and purposes it was a smashing success.

  • Star Citizen's hangar module is live

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Star Citizen's journey from crowdfunding champ to actual game is officially underway. Cloud Imperium just unveiled the hangar module, the first of several planned mini-releases designed to get early adopters testing various aspects of the title as it's being developed. If you've met the pledging prerequisites, you can download the Star Citizen launcher directly from the game's website. From there, you'll need to wait out the three GB patch before logging in to your personal hangar space where you can tour your pledge ships both inside and out. System requirements for the module include eight GB of memory, a quad core CPU, and a DirectX11 capable GPU with at least one GB of onboard memory. Click through the links below for the hangar module FAQ. Pew pew!

  • Stick and Rudder: Star Citizen's risky hangar module reveal

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Man, I'm excited for next Thursday! Not because it's the day before Friday -- although that's pretty great, too -- but because we're going to get our hands on the first official release of Star Citizen. Chris Roberts called it the "baby Star Citizen" during last night's Gamescom love-in, which you should watch if you'd like to see the Cloud Imperium crew overwhelmed by the rock star treatment it received from the backers who journeyed to Cologne. Anyway, the hangar module! The devs have been showing it off to fans and press, and if initial reactions are anything to go by, it's going to be a successful mini-launch. It's still a risky move, though.

  • Cloud Imperium unveils Star Citizen hangar module

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Cloud Imperium has taken the wraps off Star Citizen's hangar module, a standalone app that's scheduled to be released to early adopters later this summer. Pledgers will get a chance to walk through their hangars and ogle their pledge ships, as well as climb inside them and invite their friends over for a spaceship-themed soiree. The hangar module is "about 50 percent fleshed out right now," according to the spiffy Cloud Imperium video tour that you can watch after the cut. [Thanks Eric!]