

  • Wings Over Atreia: Anticipaaaaaaaaaaaation

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    You know the feeling -- you learn about some upcoming goodness and you want it. Or do you crave it? You can fall anywhere along the spectrum of anticipation, provoked by things you just look forward to all the way to things that make you squeal in schoolgirl giddiness at the mere thought! It's a game in and of itself. Such is the way of Aion updates, which tantalize and tease players for quite some time before going live (and even longer if you can translate the original Korean patch notes yourself!). Not yet having a release date for updates is not dampening the anticipation of many Daevas but rather is fueling it instead. So what brought about my musings on this topic? I squealed! More specifically, an announcement this week that put me right into the giddy mode: Winter is coming! George R.R. Martin's fifth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series will release in July. Now, while my fangirliness in its supreme is reserved for this outstanding literature, I also have things that I am looking forward to in game. However, there are those who have a virtual heart attack when new goodies for Aion are announced; I have one legionmate who will only re-sub when update 2.5 rolls around and brings with it all the little bells and whistles he is pining for. It is quite interesting to listen as he randomly pops into Ventrilo to trumpet the greatness of this upcoming gaming salvation, then disappears again into the night. So what about 2.5 has my legionmate so excitable... and excited? Skip-to-my-lou past the cut to take a look at some of the upcoming features.

  • Aion producer introduces Aion 2.5

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Aion fans on the Korean servers are enjoying a new patch today, Aion 2.5. The patch was released late last night to bring big changes throughout the game. It builds largely on the updates given in Assault on Balaurea but carries some exciting additions for all players, even new ones. This patch will come to the NA and EU servers sometime in 2011; while we don't have a specific launch date yet, localization is underway, and we do have lots of details. Producer Sean Neil spent some time chatting with us about this patch, and there's plenty to tell. Follow along after the jump to see what 2.5 will bring to 2011!