

  • Mists of Pandaria Beta: The return of Hemet Nesingwary

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    For those wondering where Hemet Nesingwary wandered off to after his illustrious Sholazar Basin appearance in Wrath of the Lich King, we now have the answer -- Pandaria, of course! Both Hemet and his son Hemet Jr. are currently camped out in the Valley of the Four Winds. Pandaria's a huge new land just waiting to be explored, and Hemet and son are there to explore it. Well ... maybe not explore. The two of them are, however, ready and waiting for explorers both Alliance and Horde who'd like to gleefully murder some wildlife in mass quantities. Hemet's camp is far off the beaten path, and his quests are completely optional. Players who don't wander to that particular corner of the zone won't be missing any of the main storyline in Valley of the Four Winds. Those who do choose to go adventure with Hemet and son, however, may encounter a surprise ...

  • Breakfast Topic: Lore and story progression via static NPCs

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    When the Burning Crusade first came out, veterans noticed a few things back on Azeroth: Some of our favorite NPCs had disappeared! The wandering Rexxar was replaced by a fellow name Rokaro, and Hemet Nesingwary left Stranglethorn, leaving his son, Hemet Nesingwary Jr., to take over the hunt. More recently, Lady Liadrin has come to Shattrath City, leaving behind Lord Solanar Bloodwrath to guide up and coming Blood Knights in her place. In order to move along a few story lines, Blizzard decided that it was worth moving NPCs to move along the story, and left other NPCs in place with minor alterations so that other people could still experience their old quests. This, however, isn't the only way Blizzard has dealt with progressing story lines.