

  • A 'Final Fantasy XIV' live-action TV show is in the works

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Final Fantasy might be making its way to a screen near you, albeit without the need for you to have a controller in hand. Square Enix and Sony Pictures Television are developing a live-action Final Fantasy TV series with Hivemind, the production company behind The Expanse. It's also working on Netflix's adaptation of The Witcher.

  • Will Wright resolves lawsuit with Hive Mind co-founder

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Late last year, game creator Will Wright debuted a new startup called "Hive Mind," designed to create and develop some ideas on "personal gaming" that Wright was interested in. Unfortunately, while trying to put together funding for the company, Wright got bogged down in a legal dispute with co-founder Jawad Ansari. Now, says VentureBeat, those issues have been all cleared up."We are pleased to have reached a friendly and respectful resolution," says Wright in a statement. Ansari will go on to work at a firm called GCube Capital, and while the official status of Hive Mind isn't yet known, Wright is continuing his work with another startup, called Super Fun Club, and says that the plan for Hive Mind is getting to "where the operating team can take the company forward."

  • MagnetU connects you with similar people in your area, because diversity is overrated

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    You could make friends the old fashioned way, with casual introductions, eye contact and other intrinsically human social skills; or you could just sit back and let MagnetU do all the heavy lifting for you. The Israeli startup, founded in 2010, has just unveiled what it calls a "proximity networking" device -- a tiny accessory that connects users to other like-minded people within their immediate vicinity. Within this lightweight gadget lies information on a user's "social desires," which can be customized and modified depending on a given situation. If you're at a networking event, for example, you can activate your "business" profile, before switching into the grossly mistitled "social" mode once you walk into a bar. Once activated, the device will automatically scan for other users within your area, comparing your data against theirs. If it finds a match, both misfits will be notified with a text message that provides details on their level of compatibility. At that point, it's up to you to exchange furtive glances and do the whole "Come here often?" Kabuki routine. The tool could also open up new marketing avenues for retailers, though MagnetU plans to begin rolling out its $24 device at college campus events, where more traditional social lubricants are few and far between.

  • Will Wright reveals 'Hivemind,' his new, personal gaming venture

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Will Wright has told VentureBeat that he, in conjunction with a new California-based social gaming startup named Hivemind, is working on a new genre of "personal gaming" -- the first installment of which shares the name of his new company. The "personal" aspect of Hivemind will be derived from the game's capacity for learning about "you and your routines." Wright added, "If we can learn enough about the player, we can create games about their real life." Of course, since we spend a majority of our time writing about games, we're worried about the potentially infinite feedback loop Wright's title would create. Don't get us wrong, we're just egotistical enough to enjoy such an experience, but it would pretty much be a game about writing about a game about writing about a game about writing about a game, and so on, forever and ever, ad infinitum.