

  • Cinemassively: Holly Kai Golf Tournament

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Several months ago, we featured a golf lesson being given by MarkTwain White in Second Life. Golf is hardly a new phenomenon, as it is enjoyed by many residents of the virtual world. They've even expanded their course offerings, allowing for housing and varying scenery!The Holly Kai Golf Club plans to take their SL success even further, though, by pitching a pilot program to the Second Life Cable Network (SLCN). From the looks of it, they'll be filming their tournaments monthly and showing highlights from the events. With the right announcer, this could be a winner. Judging by their future expansion, residents seem to agree!If you have machinima or movie suggestions from any MMO, please send them to machinima AT massively DOT com, along with any information you might have about them.

  • Cinemassively: Second Life Golf, Lesson One

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    It's hard to believe that golfing is over a year and a half old in SL. Second Life Insider covered the phenomenon that was sweeping the grid back in July 2006. Rumor has it that even Philip Linden enjoyed a game or two!However, there is a bit of a learning curve to golfing. It requires a HUD, golf balls, a club, and a working knowledge of all three. It looks like MarkTwain White is aiming to solve that problem by releasing a series of tutorials on Second Life golf. Lesson one focuses on how to get started. If you dug the tutorial and think you might like to give it a try, you can check it out in Hollywood.