

  • Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR Holocron Files -- Rattataki

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    We are quickly running out of playable species for the Holocron Files, but trust me: There is plenty of lore to pull from for future entries. For those who haven't been following, the Holocron Files series takes the known lore and stories in the Star Wars universe and presents it to you in an easily digestible fashion to help make your Star Wars: The Old Republic experience richer. This week, let's tackle the Rattataki. The Rattataki are one of the most confusing species playable in SWTOR. In the scheme of the Star Wars universe, this species is rather young and makes for an odd choice for BioWare. Other species, like the Chiss, Purebloods, and Miraluka, have been around since the early '90s in books and comic books. Zabraks and Mirialans were introduced to us in the prequel movies, and of course, the Twi'leks can be found in the original trilogy. However, the Rattataki didn't make their first (alleged) appearance until 2003, first in the Star Wars: Republic comic book, then in the Clone Wars animated series. What makes this species even more confusing is that the first appearance of a Rattataki wasn't really a Rattataki (giving me one more reason to hate the Clone Wars cartoon). If you've rolled a Rattataki in TOR, or if you're thinking of playing one as a future character, then this edition of Holocron Files is for you. The Rattataki as a species and culture has been set apart from the rest of the Star Wars universe and makes an excellent choice as a playable species.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Cathar

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    It's probably a bit predictable that this Holocron File would be about the Cathar. But I'm not above being predictable when it's important or timely. In this case, the Cathar were announced to be the next playable species in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Hopefully, it is just one of the next playable species. I know many people are looking forward to playing Nautolans or Togrutas, which are a bit more iconic if you consider the popularity of Kit Fisto and Ahsoka Tano. But the Cathar are not without iconic figures. Knights of the Old Republic fans will remember Juhani as one of your possible companions, and serious Star Wars fans will remember Sylvar and Crado from the Tales of the Jedi comic book. Personally, I have yet to create a Jedi Knight character (yeah, I know, call me what you will), so I think the Cathar look to be a good species for that class. However, given the history and overall disposition of the Cathar species, I think it could easily fall into any class story. Maybe that is why it was chosen as the next species over the aforementioned Nautolans and Togrutas. As with any species I play, I like to learn as much about it as I can. Thankfully, the Cathar are a pretty easy species for gathering this information, not that Wookieepedia is a great source on the topic. So what are Cathar all about? Where do they come from? We'll find out in this week's Holocron Files.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Miraluka

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    As I mentioned in my Why I Play Star Wars: The Old Republic piece, Dark Forces and Jedi Knight were two of the Star Wars video games I enjoyed most. Obviously, this was before Knights of the Old Republic. In Jedi Knight, the main antagonist was Jerec. Although it's never mentioned where Jerec comes from or even what species he was, his most distinguishing feature is the cover over his eyes. At the time, players thought it was a type of cybernetic implant similar to that worn by Geordi LaForge in Star Trek: The Next Generation. It wasn't until the Tales of the Jedi comic book series that we learned that Jerec and others are a part of the Force-seeing humanoid species known as the Miraluka. If you choose to play a Jedi Knight or a Jedi Consular (or if you have 1.5 million credits to unlock it through the Legacy system), you can play as a Miraluka. I have been fascinated by this species since Jerec of Jedi Knight and Shoaneb Culu in the Tales of the Jedi after that. So this week, let's talk about this captivating species, its culture, its connection to the Force, and what its role is during the time of The Old Republic.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Chiss

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    For some players, deciding which species to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic comes down to which skin tone is the coolest. Wasn't it said when the species were first announced that the choices were human with blue skin, human with green skin, bald human, human with head tails, and human with horns? Although hyperbolic, the sentiment contains an element of truth, especially when judged by aesthetics alone. Then again, no one complains in fantasy games when you have a choice between human, short human, and human with pointy ears. Elves and dwarves are viewed through the lens of pre-existing culture and folk-lore. The Holocron Files are designed to lay the cultural foundation for some of SWTOR's species. From the horned Zabrak to the red-skinned Sith Pureblood, each Star Wars species has a rich history and backstory. Thankfully, BioWare kept that in mind when considering which species you could play. In honor of my newest character, it's only fitting that we discuss the Chiss this week.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files - Twi'leks

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    It's going to be extremely difficult for me to not approach the topic of Twi'leks without gushing, so please, forgive the drool. Twi'leks have graced the Star Wars universe since Return of the Jedi. In the movies, the women have always been beautiful and athletic, whereas the male Twi'leks have been ugly, and frankly, disgusting. Oola, the green-skinned dancer for Jabba the Hutt, showed us a tragic side of the species when she was sacrificed to the rancor at the whim of the gangster. Bib Fortuna, Jabba's majordomo, exemplified the slimy underbelly of the Twi'lek culture. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, besides being prominent NPCs, Twi'leks are a possible player species for several classes. Smugglers, Consulars, Jedi Knights, and Sith Inquisitors can all be played as Twi'leks. With this wide variety of players running around as these humanoids, it may be a good idea to know where they came from and why they are important to Star Wars lore. Dance past the break to find out more.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Trandoshans

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Usually when I talk about lore in the Hyperspace Beacon, I am not always sure whether it will make a huge impact on the games itself, and a lot of the time, my lore topics revolve around well-known pieces of lore. Admittedly over the last year and a half, I did hit a couple of subjects pretty hard, like Jedi, Mandalorians, Jedi, Imperials, Jedi, and Jedi. However, with these Holocron Files, I want to draw on pieces of lore that even devout Star Wars enthusiasts might not know about but that are still important to Star Wars: The Old Republic directly. In the last Holocron File, I talked about the Sith Pureblood because if you play a Sith Warrior, you will be able to choose that species for your character, and they play an important part in Imperial lore. This week, Trandoshans take center stage. It's an amusing coincidence that Rubi asked about the lore of non-playable races in today's Daily Grind because that's what I'm talking about here. Trandoshans are not playable in SWTOR, but they do play an important role in the story in the game, particularly the Jedi Consular's story, and particularly one Trandoshan: Qyzen Fess. Beyond the break, let's explore a bit the history of this species, its homeworld, its religion, and its relationship with the rest of the galaxy.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files - Pureblood Sith

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Moreso than any other MMO intellectual property, the Star Wars IP carries a rich, deep history, shaped not only by its creator, George Lucas, but also by the many artists, writers, and directors of the many television series, games, books, and comics. When you step into Star Wars: The Old Republic, you are weaving yourself into a story with over 30 years of constant growth and development. Unlike other fictional histories, this one was guided by many hands, and much of the lore has been muddled over years of retcons and rewrites. Every so often until the release of the game, I will explore the important bits that lead to the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Unlike other MMOs, this game is developed specifically to draw the player into the story. To help ease you into this rich lore, I am creating a series I call the Holocron Files. And first, I begin with the mysterious TOR species know as the Pureblood Sith. Where do these beings come from? Why are they important to SWTOR lore? And what can we expect to see from them in game? Leap past the break to find out.