

  • Media Temple boasts iPhone friendly control panel

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Media Temple, a well known hosting provider, has recently rolled out a beta version of their control panel made just for the iPhone. Judging from the number of folks who sent this to us (thanks to all of you!) there seems to be a large, and until now, untapped market of people who want to be able to register a domain from anywhere.Aside from registering domains you can also restart services, pay your bill, add email addresses, and submit a tech support ticket. I'm not a Media Temple customer myself, nor do I own an iPhone (and we all know how I feel about iPhone specific web apps) but I must admit this looks slick. You can access the iPhone version of Media Temple's control panel here.

  • Widget Watch: DreamHost status

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I'm a pretty happy DreamHost customer, though I've been with enough basic hosting plans to realize that many hosts (at least the ones in my price range) might experience some hiccups from time to time. It just seems to be the way hosting is, at least in my tax bracket. Fortunately, DreamHost offers a status website and RSS feed to help customers check in on the network, but a fellow DreamHost customer by the name of Geoff has created a Dashboard widget just to give us one more option for staying on top of things. The widget simply loads the same status text one can read via the website or RSS, but it offers a compact, quick-access window into the world of DreamHost's status without having to refresh a website or add yet another feed to your exponentially increasing RSS list.

  • Macgamefiles offers free game hosting

    David Chartier
    David Chartier
    06.06.2006 has announced free game hosting for shareware and freeware game developers (but not for things like maps, mods, etc.). The only catch is that the game's developer needs to point their download links to the game's product page hosted at This, I assume, is so MGF can make up their (probably astronomical) hosting costs with ad hits.Given some of the bills I've heard of for hosting large files like podcasts and software downloads, I would imagine this is a huge bonus for garage-based game developers. Three cheers for internet advertising business models!