

  • The Perfect Ten: Why a Harry Potter MMO makes sense

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The idea of a Harry Potter MMO is hardly a new one at this point -- we've even speculated on it around Massively for years now. Rumors and wishful thinking have brought up this hypothetical MMO time and again, and for good reason: It simply makes sense. In fact, the more you think about it, the more surprising it is that we haven't heard official word of a Harry Potter MMO by now. After doing some poking around, the most likely suspects to take on this project would either be Warner Bros. (which owns the rights to the franchise) or Electronic Arts (which purchased a license from WB to make the movie video games). Both companies have MMO studios at their command -- Turbine, BioWare, Mythic -- and both have the resources to make it happen. So why does Harry Potter make perfect sense for MMO-adaptation? Hit the jump and I'll run you down the top 10 reasons! And if you post a positive comment after this column, I'll add five points to the house of your choice (go Hufflepuff!).

  • The Tattered Notebook: Home sweet home

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    When I sat down to brainstorm this week's column topic, the thought occurred to me that I've never really spent much time expounding on my absolute favorite feature of SOE's EverQuest II. Sure, the progression is pretty well done, the crafting is awfully good, and the large and varied zones are an explorer's paradise. However, all of that pales in comparison to the simple fact that my adventurers can go home at the end of a lengthy dungeon crawl or an evening at the forge. Yes, I'm a fan of player housing, and if you're one of those unimaginative souls who thinks housing has no place in MMORPGs, well, you're wrong. I've touched on housing here and there, mentioned it in passing, and certainly written a few news articles about it when patch notes have warranted a mention, but The Tattered Notebook has thus far lacked a proper discussion of housing in the world of Norrath. Turn the page to remedy that fact.

  • Wizard101 releases December patch

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Fast turnarounds are always nice. It's been a little over a week since we posted the first news about Wizard101's upcoming school-specific housing, and it's already moved from "upcoming" to "live." The December patch has just been released, and in addition to giving players the opportunity at having the literally hottest house around (among others), it brings a number of other improvements to the game's client. Most notable is the option to block chat from your opponents in PvP, a welcome feature to avoid the frequently non-stop boasting that seems to go hand-in-hand with the playstyle. It is an option that can be changed even in the middle of a duel, and while it's not game-defining it should be a welcome addition. Much of the meat of this update comes in the form of the team relentlessly hunting down bugs and squashing them, with a long list of prior bugs that are no more. The team even notes that some of the killed bugs are ones the majority of players didn't even know about. While the update is a little lighter on actual content compared to the last one, fewer bugs and a better all-around experience are nothing to sneeze at, not to mention some exceptionally nice new houses. Wizard101 players still have a few days until the main event, but they still got a nice early Christmas present.

  • More ideas for player housing

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Spicytuna has a nice little writeup about a much-discussed but never implemented feature in World of Warcraft: player housing. Blizzard has borrowed (and subsequently improved upon) many of the most common features in MMOs -- they revamped leveling with ideas like rested XP and recruit-a-friend, they changed the endgame with the ideas of Heroic instances and daily quests, and they've tweaked PvP with battlegrounds, Wintergrasp and Arenas. But for some reason they've never taken on the idea of player housing: a place in the game for players to make their own. The reason we've always heard is that they never landed on a good implementation of it -- if they couldn't do it right, they wouldn't do it at all.But Spicytuna proves there's no shortage of ideas. The main thought so far is that such an area would be instanced, as having actual buildings in the game as player houses just leads to emptied out ghettos of buildings left to rot.

  • Hello Kitty Online to feature character creation and ... farms

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    I have to apologize in advance to any stalwart fans of the Hello Kitty franchise who are anxiously anticipating Hello Kitty Online with baited breath. Perhaps it is a sad commentary on the inherent cynicism and snarkiness of your modern blogger, but I have serious doubts about whether or not you will ever see a post about HKO here on Massively without some at least a touch of sarcasm or irony. Fault us for our taste if you will, but never doubt or honesty!Having said that, this official trailer for Hello Kitty Online demonstrates such innovative new features as character creation, personalized avatars (which is different than character creation, in some way that eludes me), virtual community, farms, in-game items, houses, and mini-games including fan favorites like Rock-Paper-Scissor! In this respect, the game appears less interested in re-inventing the wheel, than in ensuring it is super cute and perhaps slightly creepy. As the game moves into beta in the near future, look for more impressions and news to surface.[Via ZergWatch]

  • Furniture catalogue for LotRO housing

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    If you're the proud new owner of a Lord of the Rings Online abode, and are going through the pains of organizing and decorating, then this guide may be right up your alley. Hot on the heels of Book 11's player-housing, have started a furniture catalogue to help make life easier for citizens of Middle Earth who are settling in to a new home.The catalogue, still in beta and being added to, contains a listing of house-items by type. Clicking through to a category, and then an individual item, will bring up a picture of said item, a short description, the cost, and exactly where to get a hold of it. Very handy! The items can also be selected directly from a drop-down menu.As more things will undoubtedly be added in the future, the site may be worth a bookmark if you feel you may have an ongoing affair with decking out your place. After all, the next time your neighbours visit to smoke some pipe-weed, you want them leaving jealous, don't you?