

  • Patch 2.3: some PvP cloaks please, with a Hunter melee weapon on the side

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    In one of the rarest turnarounds I've ever seen on the forums, a couple of posters made doom and gloom posts with titles like "Tom Chilton doesn't care about healer people!" -- apparently because the developers didn't make a special PvP cloak available in the game. So then Tom Chilton, posting as the fearsome lich Kalgan, comes right back at them and says "one PvP healing cloak, coming right up!" followed by, "would you like fries with that?"No that's not actually what he said... but close enough. He really said:There's a PvP healing cloak in patch 2.3. The vital stats are... 34 stam 15 int 16 spell crit 23 resil +51 healing / +17 spell dmg But one poster objected that spell crit wasn't as handy to healers as mana/5sec ... so he changed it!Fair enough, the cloak now has 6 mana/5sec instead of the spell crit. Enjoy!I know. You're thinking, "if only every change was that easy," right? Actually, today it is. Read on...