

  • Incandescent portraiture in Second Life

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    Here's one more item to add to the list of Christmas gifts for your favorite Second Life resident. Incandenza Thorne is owner of Incandescent Artworks, a service that will provide a real-world painted portrait of an SL avatar, rendered by an anonymous artist friend of Incandenza's. From the in-world site:'When you purchase a painting from Incandescent Artworks, you receive a real oil painting on canvas delivered to you for display in your home or office. You also receive a digital picture of the painting for display in your virtual home or office, as well as digital pictures of the painting at key "in progress" stages. 'We offer different size canvases to meet different budgets: 28-inches by 22-inches, US$500. 14-inches by 11-inches, US$350.'These prices do not include delivery. Customers will pay actual freight costs to their destination. If you have more questions, please IM "Incandenza Thorne" or send an email to'While you may balk at these prices, keep in mind that these portraits are one-of-a-kind, custom pieces that represent significant effort on the behalf of the artist. A sample image from the studio is shown above (Note: the inset picture was my addition; the actual portrait will not have an inset image). I wonder if he'll do werewolves?[Thanks, Incandenza!]