

  • Choose My Adventure: Live streaming of Robinemia's insanity

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Choose the adventures of the staff as we level our characters in <It came from the Blog> on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H). Robinemia is streaming right now via Justin.TV for the next hour or so. We're going to be beating up Syndicate again. You wanted grinding. You're getting grinding. I think we'll all have earned the Insane title by the end of this, whether we get the actual in-game one or not. Join us in-game if you are in the high 20s or higher or watch us on the stream. I use the audio on the stream as a kind of voice chat. Only it's just me ... babbling. If you're looking for serious business, this isn't it. Seriously. Also, I'm sorry in advance for the funsuckers. They can't help themselves. Their lives are so sad that they have nothing better to do than try to ruin other people's fun. But they can't. We're going to have fun in spite of them. They are destined to fail and therefore deserve our pity. Awwww. Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) in <It came from the Blog>. Ask any member online for an invite; guild ranks of "Blog Lurker" or above have the power. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules, that can be summed up with "Don't be a Funsucker!" Also, please see the guild FAQ for the most common questions.

  • The OverAchiever: What Feats of Strength can you get now?

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    One of the easier ways to distinguish an older character from a reroll or alt is the presence (or absence) of a Feat of Strength. Feats of Strength, remnants of "the past glories of Azeroth," are among the most difficult achievements to get, and that's when they're even possible at all. Most, like the presence of an old-school PvP title, one of the original 100% mounts, or the Vengeful Nether Drake, are impossible to get these days, and are a sign that the person who has them is an experienced player. But with a little luck and a lot of elbow grease, even a new player can accrue some of these supposedly "past" glories. I started playing WoW shortly after Burning Crusade launched and didn't expect to have a shot at most Feats, but a surprising number of them are still available. After getting The Fifth Element recently and being surprised to discover that: a). It's a Feat, and b). The original quest isn't even in the game anymore (man, I'm glad I'm such a quest packrat), I started nosing around the list of Feats to see what else a player could do even if they're new to the game. Moreover, there are two achievements you can get right now that will become Feats in 3.3, so let's get cracking.

  • The Daily Quest: Of Commandments, insane faction grinding and a little Johnny Cash

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    The Daily Quest took a break for a few days to stare longingly at Tier 8 armor and try to process the myriad class changes coming. But we're back with a list of great WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Zasp at Egotistical Priest is already prepping for the Patch 3.1 achievement Insane in the Membrane. What's so special about it? You must get Exalted with some of the most obscure factions in Azeroth including Ravenholdt, the Darkmoon Faire and The Shen'dralar of Dire Maul. The Moonfire! blog follows up their first 10 Commandments for DPS with 10 More Commandments. The last one is priceless. (NOTE: We may have melted their servers. Try again later in the day if the link doesn't work. It's worth the wait.) Too Many Annas gives solid advice on how to survive wipe after wipe after wipe. Forever A Noob blog has a series of Rogue guides to Naxx-10 bosses specifically for the back stabbers. Rogue guide to Loatheb Rogue guide to Patchwerk Rogue guide to Grobbulus Rogue guide to Gluth As many of you have learned, Sarth is srs bsns. How serious? Nerf This Druid lets you know with a little help from Johnny Cash. And in honor of the Sarth encounter enjoy the Shade of Aran flame wreath pic above.