

  • New glyphs incoming soon

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Eyonix chimed in on the General forums earlier to say that we'll be seeing new glyphs soon. It's just a small line, but it should be good news for all tradeskills. It's very rare for them to add a significant amount of items to one tradeskill in a content patch and leave all of the others untouched. Personally, I think it's a good sign that we'll be seeing a lot of tradeskill love in patch 3.1, but maybe I'm reading into it too deeply.Even if we're in some crazy world where only Inscription receives tradeskill love, this is interesting news regardless. We might be seeing more glyphs incoming for a lot of our Wrath of the Lich King abilities that weren't given glyphs, so we could experience the base abilities before we started augmenting them. It wouldn't surprise me at all if we started seeing things like Glyph of Frostfire Bolt Mind Sear in patch 3.1.As soon as the PTR comes up, we'll be hitting the trainers and reputation vendors to see what is coming our way, so keep an eye on WoW Insider for all of that good stuff once it happens.Edit: Shhh. You didn't see that. It has a line through it, that means it didn't happen.