

  • WoW Insider's PTR voice chat hands on

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Voice chat is now available on the 2.2 PTR, so I downloaded the test realms, rolled up a gnome Warlock, and put on my Logitech headset to try it out. What I found was a pretty intuitive voice chat system that does most everything Blizzard promised to do, and will likely replace Teamspeak or Ventrilo for a lot of smaller guilds.Unfortunately, it's complicated enough that it probably won't be extremely widespread-- players who haven't found the need to join up on voice chat yet probably still won't feel a need to do so. But for guilds who don't want to pay for a separate server and friends who group together often, the ingame voice chat should work just fine.The rest of my impressions, including a complete walkthrough on how the chat system works, are after the jump.

  • Something we won't see tomorrow: iMac Multitouch

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The rumors are flying about what Apple might do to the Mac lineup tomorrow-- for my part, I just hope Jobs stays away from the Mac Mini long enough for me to get one with Leopard on it. But I can guarantee you that you won't see this baby, as cool as it is. This is a 3D demo from a guy working on a demo reel for ad agencies. But it is pretty amazing.Now, people have said before that a multitouch computer like this wouldn't work-- to find out why, touch your screen for five minutes and notice how tired your arm feels. However, an interface like this is too good not to use somewhere. Sure, we may not see an iMac with a big touchable screen like this, but "...a guy can dream, can't he?"Thanks, Andrew!