

  • And here comes the FaceTime porn

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    FaceTime live sex chat is for real, courtesy IP4Play (link goes to an adult site, likely NSFW). It's a natural extension of phone sex lines and chat cams, and plenty of people had the idea when Apple unveiled FaceTime. After all, the white-hot fervor around Chatroulette had just died down when the iPhone 4 was announced. Currently IP4Play has five ladies available online, although at the time I wrote this none were actually available for a call. As Cult of Mac reported, you can buy blocks of time (5, 10, 20 or 30 minutes) starting at US$4 per minute. You'll need a Visa or Mastercard, plus all the requisites for FaceTime (WiFi, iPhone 4) and preferably a private place to have your conversation. The service calls you back once you've registered and purchased your minutes, although no word on what the turnaround time is for a callback. I think we'll see a bunch more players in this space, IP4Play just happens to be the first. They started advertising for models on Craigslist a while ago, so I have little doubt other operators will follow suit, some of them potentially big names in the adult industry. If you think about it, a five-minute FaceTime call from a real porn star would probably cost a lot more than $4 per minute, and be insanely lucrative for the performer. Juice up those batteries, FaceTimers.