

  • iOS 5 beta 3 already jailbroken, new features come to light

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Who needs sleep, right? Rather than putting in the tried-and-true "eight hours" that your mum still insists that you get, you're going to be doing something a bit more adventurous this evening. Something involving a "jailbreak" of your recently updated iPod touch, iPhone or iPad. Just hours after Apple pushed out iOS 5 beta 3 to its developers, a Sn0wbreeze update has been confirmed to support jailbreaking on that very build. Sadly, it's still tethered for the time being, and the iPad 2 remains unsupported, but those with nerves of steel (and gobs of vacation days) can hit the source links to get started. Furthermore, we're just starting to see what kind of wacky tricks beta 3 has up its sleeve -- things like custom alerts for text messages and what appears to be a shattering of the app grid on the iPad. For more on that, hop on past the break; for more on the jailbreak, we'd encourage you to talk amongst yourselves in comments below. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • iPhone dev-team releases untethered redsn0w jailbreak for iOS 4.3.2, iPad 2 not included

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    The iPhone dev-team released an untethered jailbreak for iOS owners running Apple's latest 4.3.2 firmware. Good news for jailbreakers as Apple did not patch the hole discovered by @i0n1c. The code for this exploit was used in the untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1 and was easily ported over to the jailbreak for this latest version of iOS. iPad 2 owners cannot join the jailbreak party as the 0.9.6rc14 version of redsn0w only supports the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 (GSM), iPod touch 3G/4G and the first generation iPad. Point your browser to the dev-team's website for more information on the Mac and Windows version of redSn0w. As always, follow the directions closely and remember you jailbreak at your own risk. [Via Redmond Pie]

  • iPad 2 jailbreak imminent

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    It won't be long now, jailbreakers. Tweets posted by iPhone Dev-Team Chronic Dev Team member P0sixninja suggest that the iPad 2 jailbreak will be available soon. There's been some back-and-forth on Twitter between P0sixninja and Veeence, but it boils down to the fact that the group is hard at work on the jailbreak, and a two recent tweets from P0sixninja suggests that it's on its way. Stay tuned, true believers. [Via CrunchGear]

  • Dev-Team: Apple TV jailbreak exploit found

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Members of the iPhone Dev Team have dropped hints on Twitter that it will be possible to jailbreak the new Apple TV. Team members pod2g and iphone_dev have both mentioned that the SHAtter exploit has been able to decrypt the Apple TV firmware's keys. While Apple TVs are not yet in people's hands, the firmware is available from Apple's public distribution servers. Team Member MuscleNerd also warned potential jailbreakers via Twitter: "Those interested in *potential* AppleTV JBs, better buy early! Remember iPhone 3GS hardware was updated to fix JB hole." Indeed, Apple has already released a firmware update for the Apple TV, though we don't know if it addresses this exploit.

  • iPhone 4 unlock now available

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Here's good news for iPhone 4 users who've been waiting for a carrier unlock. The iPhone Dev Team has released an update to Ultrasn0w, its iPhone unlocking client, that's compatible with the iPhone 4. When run on an jailbroken iPhone 4, Ultrasn0w will allow you to use a carrier other than AT&T in the US. It's a very simple process, as the video above demonstrates. Just note that jailbreakme.com is used in the demonstration, which makes use of a PDF exploit found in the iOS software. Also, jailbreaking your iPhone may void its warranty; proceed entirely at your own risk. The Dev-Team first announced that they had been able to unlock the iPhone 4 last month, but only released the updated version of Ultrasn0w now. If freedom from AT&T is your thing, have at it. [Via Macworld]

  • iPad 'Spirit' jailbreak demonstrated by MuscleNerd, now it really is magical (video)

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    You better believe it when notorious iPhone jailbreaker MuscleNerd -- a well-respected member of the iPhone Dev-Team -- declares root access on an iPad. According to this fella's tweets, this new hack is a port of Comex's "Spirit" jailbreak that exploits a bug found on both iPhone OS 3.1.3 and the iPad's 3.2. No downloads are offered right at this moment, but it shouldn't be long before we can throw in all sorts of wild apps and widgets as we wish. Video after the break. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Pwnage Tool for iPhone OS 3.0 now live, ultrasn0w still on standby

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    That iPhone OS 3.0 jailbreak we saw the iPhone Dev-Team pull off earlier this week? It's out now, or at least, part of it is. Pwnage Tool is now flooding torrents, but there's lots of caveats here. Most importantly, this isn't Ultrasn0w, which means if you're wanting to use your toy on T-Mobile or another unofficial carrier, be patient -- it's also worth noting that the jailbreak doesn't jibe with yellowsn0w, so those who rely on it should stay away for the time being. No compatibility with the 3G S, or at least, it probably hasn't been tested... we wouldn't recommend anyone setting the precedent here. You'll need Mac OS X to run it, with QuickPwn for Mac and Windows coming further down the line. Ultrasn0w is also due out at some indeterminate future, so that all said, if you're just needing right now a jailbroken device with spotlight functionality, hit up the read link for all the pertinent details. It should goes without saying, but they're might a few negative side effects to it, and one of the big ones we heard is that YouTube might be fubar'd at the moment.Read - trois, drei, три, három! (Pwnage Tool released)Read - No YouTube On Jailbroken iPhone 3.0?

  • iUnlock Reloaded: free iPhone unlocking for dummies now available

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Wake the kids, phone the neighbors, the graphical new version of the iPhone unlocking software is now out, official, automatic (or as much as it can be) and free. Developed by the iPhoneDev team, the new software makes opening up your iPhone to any GSM carrier simple as pie. According to the Dev Team, "This new version needs only be copied over to the phone and executed, it's full automatic. No more needs for fls or extract bin files out of the nordump. It should also cut the time down to max. 3-5 minutes." We'll bring you more just as soon as we get hands-on with the new wares (eh hem, all our iPhones seem to be unlocked at the moment) and as long as Apple doesn't drop the hammer with a new iPhone firmware release. We know it's coming, and chances are it will wreak havoc with the unlock.DownloadEU mirrorUS mirrorUpdate: Not so dummy-proof Instructions and more after the break.Update 2: GUI version is now out.