

  • Ambrose updates on Second Life grid initiatives

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    January/February always seems to be a rockier time for the Second Life grid. The grid tends to behave quite unreliably through this period, though there never seem to be metrics that suggest that it is being placed under unusual user-loads during the unreliable stretches. Nevertheless there's a lot going on under the hood as Frank Ambrose, Linden Lab's Senior vice-president of Global Technology reminds us. Ambrose outlined a number of Q1-deliverable initiatives for the Second Life grid and has provided a status report outlining where most of those are at, and noting a few additional, and unexpected difficulties.

  • January Second Life grid technology updates

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab's Frank Ambrose (AKA FJ Linden) has provided another progress report on ongoing reforms to Second Life's underlying technological infrastructure. Ambrose's updates are among the most informative that you'll find on Linden Lab's blog. You may recall that in early 2007, Linden Lab switched the asset storage system to Isilon Systems storage clusters (the same sorts of high-performance storage-clusters that are used by Sony, ABC, Turner, NASA and Facebook).