

  • Addon Spotlight: Linkerator

    Sean Forsgren
    Sean Forsgren

    We've looked at Fizzwidget's gadgets before here at Addon Spotlight, so you might be familiar with his wares. For this installment, I want to bring Linkerator to your attention. It's a little addon that does a big thing, it allows you to type the name of an item in brackets and Linkerator will create an item link for you. In Patch 2.4, we saw the introduction of spell links, which have become the subject of Trade channel jokes. This mod provides a similar feature, to include the ability to link items you don't currently have or see. This can give you another way to torment people in global channels, in case Murloc movies or Chuck Norris get old.So, the way this works is simple. To create an in-text item link, simply type the name of the item in brackets. Linkerator will also auto-fill names as you type them, in case you forget the full name. I use this mostly to compare an item I'm looking for to what I currently have equipped, especially when I was considering changing over to Engineering for some of the epic crafted items.I'm sure you can find a use for this feature, whether its for good reasons or not. Its definitely one of those little extras I have for the off chance I use it, but that is part of what addons can do for you as a player. That's it folks, short and sweet for you on a Sunday before I make my second excursion into Karazhan since rerolling. Are you an addon-addict? Is your User Interface a living work of art? Welcome home, my friends! Every week, Addon Spotlight profiles a different addon, brings you mod-related news and dishes out free addon advice. See out what's been said and done in the addon community by checking out past features or our addon and UI directory.

  • Wowhead adds new item links

    John Himes
    John Himes

    My favorite database site has recently added a new feature to their item listings. When you look an item up on, you'll notice a new link to the right of the item's name which says "Get in-game item link". When you click on it, a new window will pop open with some highlighted text. Simply copy the text into your in-game chat window and hit enter. You'll be given an in-game item link for the equipment you looked up on Wowhead, so you can check yourself out in the dressing room or pass the info on to another player.This is certainly a cool feature and one I'll probably play around with quite a bit. This may allow me to do away with some of the item database addons I currently use in-game. I'm already alt-tabbing out to read Wowhead all the time, so it won't be much hassle at all to copy their links into the game when necessary.Will you be using this feature at all? What do you think about it?