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    A 'new' version of iTunes brings back apps and ringtones

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    Still need a way to manage your applications and ringtones in addition to your music, movies and other media on your iPhone? Well, there's an app for that. Following iTunes' massive overhaul (version 12.7 if you're keeping track at home), the company has since released a version of the software that will let you continue to download and install apps to your handset via a desktop computer.

  • Where is my sidebar in iTunes 12?

    Mel Martin
    Mel Martin

    Apple support boards are chattering today about the graphical changes in iTunes 12. The beloved, or in some cases tolerated sidebar is pretty much gone. Your music, movies and devices are now a row of icons at the top left of the iTunes window. This new version iTunes was released earlier this week in preparation for Yosemite. The changes to iTunes, some welcome, some unwelcome depending on your point of view, are part of trying to unify the look and feel of OS X with iOS 8. The problem is, after years of getting used to the "way things work," someone comes along and changes it. Jony Ive most likely in this case. All is not lost, however. Your playlists can still appear in a left-side column as usual, making them quite easy to manage. When you click on the music icon at the top, you will see the word 'Playlists' near the top-center. That will restore the playlist sidebar. This also works in movies and TV shows. Just click the 'Playlist' button. Of course Apple might relent. After vaporizing the camera roll in iOS it will be back in iOS 8.1 which will be released Monday. There was quite an uproar about that change, and apparently Apple relented. So if the loss of the consistent sidebar in iTunes bothers you, there is hope.

  • The iTunes Store is about to get a flatter look

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Apple has flattened the design of just about every interface it makes, but the iTunes Store has remained largely impervious to those changes -- reflections, drop shadows and extruded buttons abound. All that is likely to change soon, however. According to 9to5Mac, those trying out the iTunes 12 beta are now seeing a super-flat iTunes Store layout that mirrors what you've seen in iOS, OS X Yosemite and iTunes 12 itself. The carousel highlighting new content is no longer full of pseudo-3D effects, and most of the buttons have been reduced to simple wireframes. A few elements are reportedly missing as of this writing, but it won't be surprising if the new-look storefront gets some stage time on October 16th.