

  • Google puts Mattel and Disney designer Ivy Ross in charge of Glass

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Google has just made a creative choice for its new head of Glass, picking one-time Mattel design lead and noted jewelery artist Ivy Ross. That signals a big shift away from Glass' geeky developer base while it transitions to a full-fledged consumer product. She would fill the position previously held by Babak Parviz as Google's Glass lead and work under Google X for Astro Teller and co-founder Sergei Brin. On the Google Glass G+ page, Ross said that she's spent her career "at the intersection of design and marketing" and that she'll be looking to answer some of the "audacious questions" around Glass. Though she didn't say so, some of those will no doubt revolve around privacy and other contentious issues with the upcoming product.