

  • i-mate Go user interface masks Windows Mobile 6.1

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's almost disturbing how many UI masks we have now for Windows Mobile 6.1, but even more frightening is the fact that Microsoft is sitting around rather than doing anything about it. All that aside, those frustrated with the aging OS can give i-mate Go a shot, which is a new UI for the company's WinMo 6.1 handsets that attempts to deliver "advanced capabilities and touch access to the user's favorite functions through a simple icon-based menu." It's available now as a free download for the Ultimate 9502, Ultimate 8502, Ultimate 8150, Ultimate 6150, and JAMA 101, and while you may be scared to give something like this a try, just ask yourself: what do you really have to lose?[Via phoneArena]