

  • Hands-on with Darkfall's Japanese open beta

    Andrew Ross
    Andrew Ross

    I'm not very good at aiming. I prefer third person to first person view. Nintendo consoles and games are my drug of choice when I'm not on a PC. I hate duels and arenas. I tend to spend my time gathering resources or crafting and want to kill only mobs or players if I must. On the Bartle test of gamer psychology, I'm 60% Explorer/Socializer and 40% Achiever/Killer. And I loved Darkfall Online. Aside from Aventurine's little, ah, "delays," Darkfall was always a lot of fun for me, even though the guild I joined was established years before I met its members. However, when I moved to Japan, I was region-locked out of the game and unable to check out the revamped Dark Fall: Unholy Wars until recently when the Asian open beta began. I've done my best to keep up to date on the game, but reading information and playing the game are two different things. This was not so much a welcome home for me as it was a returning to my hometown after a few years to find that the buildings and local language have changed. That may sound negative to some people, and it could be, but for me, it was an adventure, which has always been something DF offers me that other games struggle to match.

  • Player review offers in-depth look at ArcheAge

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    What's the next best thing to getting your hands on ArcheAge and checking everything out for yourself? Getting ahold of someone who is in playing the game and picking his or her brains about the experience! Well thanks to the efforts of a current player and community member who compiled a fairly hefty review, you can do just that. Although a self-professed non-expert, KeksX's review covers the gamut of systems, from ships and vehicles to housing to PvP to the economy to the UI... and the list goes on. KeksX also offers plenty of screenshots to demonstrate the visuals of the world, including the one seen above, as well as videos. In another post, the same reviewer offers a translation of the comparisons between the Japanese and the Korean versions of ArcheAge, noting that the Japanese version made quite a few modifications. If you've got a hankering for more details about this upcoming sandbox and a good chunk of time, settle in and check these posts out. [Thanks to Dengar for the tips!]

  • Phantasy Star Online 2 producer reveals new planet, open beta details

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Phantasy Star Online 2's closed beta has caused a fair bit of excitement in the game's fan community. As open beta draws near, Sega is unveiling more of the MMO sequel's features. The next testing phase will feature a new desert planet called Liliipa, not to mention new story quests, new costumes, and something called a time attack quest. Fan site Bumped.org has the details on these and other reveals from last week's live event in Tokyo. PSO2 producer Satoshi Sakai also showed off a new snow zone on the planet Naberius. He told fans that the upcoming open beta will be level-capped at 30, while players at level 20 and above will have access to hard mode quests and encounters. PSO2 is currently in development for Windows, Android, and iOS platforms. The open beta is tentatively scheduled for "early summer 2012." [Thanks to Kassandra for the tip!]