jason jones


  • Crackdown gameplay, co-op explored [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Crackdown, from GTA creator Jason David Jones, is an interesting game. Go find an interview with a Microsoft executive and find the part where he is inevitably asked what 360 games he is looking forward to. Crackdown is almost always on that list. And yet, if you read internet chatter, the first thing out of many people's mouths is, "this game looks like crap." Whether or not you can deal with the (slightly) cel-shaded graphics, one thing remains clear: the game sounds like a lot of fun. Shacknews recently got a chance to sit down with the game, exploring both the single player game and co-op. Crackdown places players in the shoes of an agent, a genetically enhanced super soldier deployed in Los Muertos, a city where regular law enforcement just doesn't cut it anymore. The ultimate goal is to remove all the gang activity from the city -- destroying 21 gang leaders to do so. The game has no set, linear way in which to reach this goal, but does employ some MetroidVania style impediments to point players in a suggested direction. For instance, if you don't have high enough agility to jump over a certain wall, you probably aren't ready to deal with what's on the other side. Of course, there are multiple ways to reach a given destination (including vehicles that drive up walls). Players will slowly gain new abilities as they level up the game's five skills: agility, firearms, driving, explosions, and strength. Firearms and explosions are self-explanatory. Agility governs how high you can jump -- over buildings once it's high enough. When leveled up, strength will allow you to throw cars and other huge objects at deserving miscreants and thugs. Driving, curiously, affects what sort of badass machine your Agency car morphs into.Co-op, always a welcome feature, allows you and a friend to join up online and take down kingpins together. Of course, you could just shoot each other, but where's the fun in that?Update: The name of GTA's creator is David Jones, not Jason Jones. Jason Jones is the co-counder of Bungie. Guess I have Halo on the brain.[Via Evil Avatar]