

  • New Oddworld game in the works, may be 'years' off

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    It's been more than three years since we last frolicked about in Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, but according to Maxis co-founder Jeff Braun a new game set in Lorne Lanning's Oddworld universe is currently in the works. According to Wilfrid Laurier University student newspaper The Cord Weekly, Braun confirmed his involvement with developers Oddworld Inhabitants on the project during a presentation at the school earlier this week.Few details were revealed about the upcoming game, though Braun noted that the title will feature a "revolutionary new 3-D animation system" and "cinematic quality on a '1 to 1 scale' to that of computer-generated motion pictures," adding that the same assets could be used to create both a video game and film version in parallel. This isn't the first time talk of CG features and Oddworld have been mentioned in the same breath, with Lorne Lanning himself refocusing his company in 2005 to create both games and accompanying CG movies, the first of which was announced a year later as Citizen Siege. However, as that title has yet to see the light of day, it doesn't exactly surprise us that Braun admits that the next Oddworld release could be "years" away from seeing retail shelves, and may even be released in an episodic format when it's all said and done.

  • Red Mile restructuring continues, appoints new president

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    Just weeks after bringing on Maxis vet Jeff Braun, developer Red Mile has announced the appointment of a new company president, elevating industry consultant Simon Price to the company's throne. According to Red Mile, the move is part of a larger restructuring effort to "streamline costs" and "increase focus," corporate jargon that usually means some employees will be given their walking papers. Company CFO Ben Zadik already resigned as part of the effort on March 1, but plans to help in a consulting role for the next couple of months.Price, who has worked as a consultant for the company since it was founded in 2004, replaces former EA Canada president Glenn Wong, who stepped down at the end of February. According to Red Mile, Price has helped the company "in its efforts to identify and secure rights to key franchise titles," which given the company's recently released (and abysmal) Jackass and the upcoming (and hopefully good) Sin City, we figure the new exec is batting about .500.

  • Maxis founder joins Red Mile, goes from SimCity to Sin City

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Jeff Braun, who started Maxis in 1987 with Will Wright and co-created SimCity, is now a "strategic adviser" for Sin City developer Red Mile. Braun will work with Red Mile president Glenn Wong to make the best use of the Sin City license and turn the company best known for GripShift and, oy vey, Jackass: The Game into something better.Braun believes the big challenge for Red Mile is to run with Sin City and make it a triple-A title so that the company can become a top-tier publisher. Wonder if that means we should still expect an early '09 release? Working with Glenn Wong, who was a former president at EA Canada, Braun believes the company can achieve its goals. Hopefully this means Red Mile is going to put some serious work into Sin City and it'll be a licensed game we can eagerly anticipate.