

  • Rock Band Weekly: DragonForce, 'Days of Peace' pack

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We do love contrast. Next week's Rock Band 3 update will include a downloadable "Days of Peace" pack, featuring patchouli-scented tracks from Blood, Sweat & Tears, Jefferson Airplane and Santana. Next week's update will also bring a version of the infamous Guitar Hero face-melter "Through the Fire and Flames" to RB3. More importantly, and insanely, you'll be able to purchase a Pro Guitar upgrade for that track. That should take care of any lingering notion you had that you could actually play the guitar.

  • Rock Band Weekly: Gorillaz, Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, The Who

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Oh my, too many good tracks in next week's Rock Band Weekly to play off of for the basis of this post. Do we ask about breaking off a piece of our heart because of the Janis Joplin track, or do we go ask Alice when she's 10 feet tall? Ask her what? Exactly! A perfect psychedelic question. Now, feed your head by checking out the full list of tracks for all of the various Rock Band games after the break -- oh yeah, there's also the Gorillaz next week. Select a platform below to view complete DLC listing:

  • Huxley: a Brave New World?

    Christopher Colon
    Christopher Colon

    It is a curious thing to hear of a game being themed after a classic speculative fiction novel. It's even more curious because the novel in question, Brave New World, has little in common with Starship Troopers (as the game's images suggest) and a whole lot in common with Idiocracy (did they have sex hormone gum in that movie?). Brave New World itself was Aldous Huxley's take on American excessive trust in technology, the future, manufacturing, science, and hedonism, culminating in images such as babies being processed in factories instead of born, people being altered to meet almost cookie cutter standards of beauty, and sex being so casual as to almost require assigned seating. One can only imagine what Aldous Huxley would think of the United States in 2008. Huxley promises to be a great game combining the MMO and FPS genres in a new and entertaining fashion, and I am all for creativity and license. But that's just the problem. When I heard about Huxley the game, my mind immediately leaped to the possibilities of some other first person shooter games derived from the other works of Aldous Huxley, and frankly, that boggles the mind.