

  • TinyBuild kills JetGetters funding drive, despite surpassing goal

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    It's not uncommon for a developer to cancel a crowdfunding drive, but it's not often you see a project go dark after exceeding its funding goal - yet that's exactly what TinyBuild Games has done. Though JetGetters, an action game centering on the thrills of hijacking aircraft in flight, pulled in nearly $2,000 more than its initial $50,000 funding goal, TinyBuild has canceled the fundraiser. If you backed the game, don't worry, TinyBuild is not going to walk away with your cash. Instead, everyone who backed the game will keep their money and receive the tinyBundle, a compilation including all seven of the developer's games. Why walk away from all that money? According to TinyBuild, it's due to an unforeseen development delay. JetGetters is still en route, but the developer now claims it will be delayed by a few months. Instead of disappointing the game's backers, TinyBuild would rather let everyone keep their money - especially since the game found corporate backing during the recent PAX East conference. "Because of the time it will take in bringing our new partners up-to-speed and hiring on additional people for JetGetters we have decided to cancel the Kickstarter," stated the developer in its final Kickstarter update. "The main reason for this is because we feel strongly that if we promise something, we better damn well deliver on it and with the few month delay we won't be able to deliver JetGetters this year." "We have a reputation to uphold and don't want to be lumped in with all the other Kickstarters that have been delayed and or abandoned," added the update. "Being up front and honest about everything is always what we strive for." [Image: TinyBuild Games]