

  • A chat with Stargate Worlds' Joe Ybarra

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The guys over at caught up with Joe Ybarra from Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment's (or CME for short) Stargate Worlds last week at ION to talk about their upcoming MMO. If you didn't catch it when it originally went up, we sat in on his "MMOs and Hollywood" panel during the conference. Joe has a lot of interesting things to say about not only the industry at large, but his companies' game.Being that Stargate Worlds is expected to pull in both the TV series audience as well as MMO players, the team at CME is designing their title with a high level of accessibility. The title's story takes place in a modern -- or even futuristic -- setting, which means combat is similarly modern. We really love the idea that combat is being designed as a one-against-many affair in Stargate Worlds. Joe mentions that the minimum is one player-on-three NPCs and their median is about five or seven against one. That means you can expect battles to feel very action-packed, especially when you're in a group with four of five other players!

  • Massively goes to Seattle: A wrap-up of ION 2008

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    It's been a great week on the west coast, for the second annual MMO-centric Seattle conference. Now called ION, everything we've heard has indicated that this week's event was a tremendous success. Massively was there in force, and below you'll find the ins and outs of the sessions and meetups we attended. Focusing on the community managerOne of the strengths of MMOs are their communities. The stronger a community around an MMO is the more likely that game is to last into the foreseeable future. State of online games keynoteGlobalization is one of the session tracks here at ION 08, as befitting an industry seeking the holy grail of a truly global marketplace for online games. Tuesday's keynote was delivered by Won II Suh of Neowiz, a Korean online games company with 20 titles currently supported or in development by 1000 employees across 8 regions around the world. John Smedley keynote shows off Free Realms and The AgencyWhen you think of Sony Online Entertainment, what comes to mind? I'm sure that Everquest, Everquest 2, Star Wars Galaxies and Planetside are some of the titles which most people think about. From what I've recently seen in John Smedley's keynote at ION 08 that's all going to be changing in the near future. SOE Seattle studio tourOur mission: infiltrate SOE's Seattle studio, obtain intel on The Agency, regale the awesomely hyperactive lead designer Hal Milton with questions from left field. MMOs and the television content model (SGW)Joseph Ybarra, SVP of strategic operations at Firesky, the publishing subsidiary of Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, presented a session today at ION 08 about the Stargate Worlds production model that borrows heavily from Hollywood and TV models.

  • How is an MMO like a TV show?

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Late last month Stargate Worlds' developer Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment announced that they would be creating their own publishing subsidiary. Called Firesky, the publisher shares many of the same executives as Cheyenne Mountain, including Senior VPs of product development Rod Nakamoto and strategic operations Joe Ybarra. Today, as MMO week continues at, that site has a discussion with the pair on what kind of experiences they hope to offer future players.From the developer's perspective, there are a number of advantages to making an MMO about a television show. Given the episodic nature of TV, releasing serial content within the context of the SGW gameworld becomes second nature. Ybarra and Nakamoto also comment on some of their future plans, hinting at a "Project Anderson" that seeks to combine the best aspects of a social network and an MMO. "We also intend to deliver products that are very different from MMOs but still have an online component, that still widens our audience and brings in different types of gamers besides just the MMO players."

  • "SNAP" and virtual transference

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment and their newly formed publishing company FireSky have some incredibly huge plans for the future of gaming. Stargate Worlds, the virtual MMO of the hit television show, is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Joe Ybarra, FireSky's Senior VP of Strategic Operations, recently spilled the beans about some of those plans... and they are nothing short of revolutionary.FireSky was created to publish SGW for a very simple reason. CME felt that they knew their product better then anyone else, and because they already had in-house talent with backgrounds in publishing, they figured why not do it all? With an already established focus on the service aspect of their product they truly believed they could create a customer support organization and technical infrastructure that was superior to anything out there. That in and of itself is a very bold move, one that not many companies would even consider let alone actually implement.But FireSky has a far greater purpose then just game publishing.

  • There's a Fire in the Sky!

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, the developers behind the upcoming sci-fi MMO Stargate Worlds, announced the formation of a new game publisher called FireSky that will release SGW and other unannounced titles. FireSky is headed by the same guy who holds the reins at Cheyenne Mountain - CEO Tim Jenson. Several other CME execs are on board as well, including Senior VP's of product development Rod Nakamoto and strategic operations Joe Ybarra. Just as intriguing as the announcement was this bit of info that Tim Jenson revealed: "It's almost time for us to lift the veil and show the world some of the unique projects we're working on in addition to Stargate Worlds." We had no idea they were working on anything else. This oughtta be good![Via Gamasutra]

  • Cheyenne Mountain working on second MMO

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Gamasutra spoke with Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment's Joe Ybarra about the Phoenix-based company's ambitious plans for the future. And boy are they ambitious -- especially for a company that has not yet released a single title, as Gamasutra noted.Ybarra revealed that the Cheyenne has four active studios, and that Stargate Worlds isn't the only MMO in development. He didn't offer many details about the other title, except to say that it's "considerably less in scope" and that it uses a free-to-play/microtransactions model. Seems like everyone is going that direction these days.He also touched on the company's desire to develop original intellectual properties, and noted that it's considering changing its name to something representative of its now-broad scope, as "Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment" is a reference to Stargate franchise lore. Cheyenne Mountain is the compound in which the Stargate secretly program operates.