

  • Peter Molyneux to reveal Lionhead 'experiments' at GDC '09

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    At least, that's what we imagine the Fable II designer will be doing in a talk entitled, "Lionhead Experiments Revealed." As part of the game design track at 2009's Game Developers Conference, which will run from March 23rd to March 27th in San Francisco, Peter Molyneux's lecture promises to be a candid look behind the scenes, complete with "visual and playable examples" of several concepts currently being toyed with at Lionhead Studios. Though none of them are guaranteed to show up in forthcoming projects, it should provide a tantalizing glimpse up Molyneux's sleeve. Which is not only the greatest sleeve ever, but can fit any person at any time and will force you to reconsider the role sleeves play in our modern society. Probably.Also slated to dispense wisdom on GDC's game design track are Dan Teasdale of Harmonix, who will recount design lessons learned from making Rock Band, and Jonathon Morin from Ubisoft, who will explain the level design structure in Far Cry 2. As always, Joystiq will be at the event, nodding politely and nodding off during all the boring parts.