

  • Transmog and the amazing Journeyman's Vest

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    I became aware of the existence of the Journeyman's Vest a few weeks ago while working my way through the hundreds of entries for WoW Insider's first transmogrification contest. Two contest participants, Malkil (Ysera-US) and Natalie (Borean Tundra-US), used the cloth chest piece in their entries and spoke similarly of the item's unique model. To quote Natalie (AKA Classy of Classy Plays WoW), "HOLY MOLEY this thing has a micro-skirt!" As you can see, the Journeyman's Vest doesn't follow the conventions of other chest pieces and robes in the game -- Journeyman's Vest don't care. It extends below the belt, and flares out in a way that makes it look like a skirt or tunic. The vest displays similarly on both male and female models, so how it looks will come down to what you pair it with in the end. Interesting ... Very interesting!