

  • The music of EVE Online

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Can't get enough of EVE's ingame tunes? An Anarchyyt over on the forums has posted a link to a ZIP file of EVE's entire soundtrack, so that even out of game you can listen to those dulcet tones floating in space. I'm not sure how stable EVE Files' servers are, but if you can get in and download it, you're all set.And even if you can't, don't forget that there's some good soundtrack links over on the official site, too. There's also a CD of a few of the tracks available at the official store. And a little bit of poking around brings us this JunkieXL remix of one of the tracks from the game (originally used in one of the game's trailers, I think?).I have to say-- most of the time I spend mining in EVE actually is taken up with the soundtrack of whatever I'm watching on TV at the time. But when flying around and actually fighting rats, the tunes fit perfectly in the game.

  • EA launches Artwerk, 'full service' music label

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    EA has partnered with Nettwerk One Music to form a "full-service" music label, dubbed Artwerk. The Los Angeles-based company will seek out new and established talent for publishing and distribution deals, including its first-confirmed contracted recording artist Junkie XL (pictured). Having appeared on numerous EA game soundtracks, in addition to producing the entire soundtrack for Forza Motorsport, JXL is an ideal candidate for EA's new venture.With Artwerk, EA can capitalize on the entire process; no longer having to rely on its partnerships with other music industry labels to maintain EA Trax. "[EA] can now directly sign, develop, and launch artists for publishing, master recordings, sync deals and beyond," declared EA Worldwide Executive of Music and Marketing Steve Schnur. But will the full-service treatment provide a happy ending for the artist? As long as you're willing to sacrifice street cred for the chance to be heard by millions of EA gamers. Submit your demo here, you desperate sell-out.

  • Wannabe DJs compete Lumines-style

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Who's Junkie XL? I don't know either. But, if you're in the DJ scene, you may be familiar with him, and the Winter Music Conference. Buena Vista Games wants to take you (yes, you!) to this event in sunny Miami, and all you have to do is play with the Lumines II video mixer. Looks a little familiar to me... Even if you don't want to enter the contest, it might be a good way to pass the time.[Via Joystiq]

  • Pump It with the Black Eyed Peas in Lumines II

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The tips just keep on coming in today, and I love it! Less work for me!We knew that Lumines II would feature some "pretty famous artists". Buena Vista Games just sent out a press releases and mentioned these songs and boy they are pretty famous: * Beck Black Tambourine * Black Eyed Peas Pump It * Chemical Brothers Star Guitar * Fatboy Slim Gangster Trippin * The Go! Team Bottle Rocket * Gwen Stefani Hollaback Girl * Hoobastank Born to Lead * Junior Senior Take My Time * Missy Elliott Lose Control * New Order TBDTwo additional songs will also appear on the games soundtrack: * Junkie XL Breezer * Stigmato Inc Reality CheckIf this list is indeed true, it appears that Lumines II will be hitting for a much more mainstream crowd. I'm still waiting for more Japanese music to pop up, but for now, I'll take whatever Lumines-related info I can get.[Thanks steve!]