

  • The Tattered Notebook: The great big news roundup

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    One thing you just can't say about EverQuest II is that there's a lack of news coming from the game. In fact, there's been so much going on both in game and out that this week's Tattered Notebook is devoted to a great big roundup. We'll look at developer remarks on Skyshrine, tweaks to the AA curve, some nice in-game promotions, and a brief commentary about the ProSiebenSat.1 deal. There's a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

  • The Tattered Notebook: Five zones that deserve a revamp

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Recently, EverQuest II developer Kyle "Kander" Vallee tweeted his followers asking for input on the following question: "What #EQII zone would you love to see revamped into new heroic content?" That's a tough but really fun question. Over the years, EverQuest II has added so many overland and instanced zones that there's no shortage of choices. A quick glance at the dungeon list at EQ2i shows well over 100 major heroic instances and open dungeons for groups. If you add in the list of minor instances, like the Splitpaw adventure pack instances or the Fallen Dynasty trials, it's easily over 120. In fact, there are so many group zones that it's nearly impossible to level up and see them all (I vote for a new in-game dungeon listing for the next UI revamp!). I've played through a good chunk of these zones and put together a list of the top five dungeons that deserve a makeover. Read on for the full list!