

  • More incentive for guilds to claim keeps in Warhammer

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Claiming and defending keeps in Warhammer Online can be a costly endeavour, but it just became a lot more rewarding. Guilds that own a T4 keep when the zone their keep is in is captured will now receive a gold bag containing Annihilator gear. They will receive another gold Annihilator bag for each successive zone that is captured. If the fortress falls in the pairing where you own a keep, you will recive a gold Conqueror bag. Guild masters can transfer these gold bags to anyone in the guild.Recently, Mythic added other incentives for keep claiming. In order to lock a zone with the new Zone Domination System, all keeps must be claimed. The most recent patch also included a keep upgrade system. Guilds who claim keeps can upgrade the the gate, guards, and add special merchants. The intrinsic incentive for claiming and defending a keep is of course guild pride. Wouldn't we all like to see our heraldry flying in the wind?

  • WAR patch 1.21 may be interim, but its beefy taste surprises

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Mythic is patching Warhammer to 1.21 today, and while the number suggests that it is an interim patch, its beefy flavor suggests otherwise. In true WAR fashion, this new patch boasts a number of big additions and improvements, including upgrades to keep siege, tweaks to combat responsiveness, and a brand new RvR token system.Guilds that claim keeps can now upgrade them in various ways. Players can upgrade doors, add special merchants (e.g., siege, door repair, guild banker, etc.), add special guards, and increase the overall guard patrol sizes. On the other hand, attackers can now use a special new currency called Ordnance to purchase new and improved siege weapons.Combat responsiveness issues have plagued WAR since launch and Mythic keeps promising fixes with each new patch. Hopefully, they have nailed it this time around. Players should no longer experience casting bar delays under normal RvR conditions and animations will be improved if everything goes according to plan.Phase one of the token system introduced in 1.21 will focus on the RvR campaign. New medallions and crests will drop off players of appropriate renown throughout all tiers, which can then be exchanged for RvR set gear (e.g., Annihilator, Invader, etc.). Tokens will also be rewarded for capturing keeps, zones, forts, and completing various stages of city siege.For more information on these items and much, much more, read the official 1.21 patch highlights as your client updates.