

  • Brewfest tips, tricks and total tickets

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    As Blizzard hotfixes the broken Brewfest quests (Pink Elekks is hotfixed already), Community Manager Drysc has been posting with helpful information for holiday participants. Player Rizz wanted to know how many tickets she could acquire in one day. Drysc's estimate:15 tickets from "Bark for the Barleybrews!"Twice a day (every twelve hours) you can do the "There and Back again" repeatable quest, 2 tickets each barrel, you might average 20 tickets? I'm not sure if there's an actual maximum but I do know you can't go forever.Then every hour on the half hour you can get up to 25 tickets with the Dark Iron attacks.So theoretically if you do everything you possibly could in a day and got the ticket amounts listed above: 355This of course doesn't count any of the one-off quests.Then Drysc responded in a separate thread with some helpful tips on finishing certain Brewfest quests: