

  • The Daily Quest: Of keybindings, attunement quests and WoW's role in saving the planet

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    The Daily Quest continues to provide links to great WoW-related news around the Internets. World of Ming explores why Rogues are the least represented class in Season 5 PvP and what he did to try and ear a Top 100 ranking. Blizzard blues explain why there isn't going to be an attunement quest for Patch 3.1's Ulduar raid instance. Keybindings for Warriors are explored on the Darraxus blog. Also, keybindings for Paladins over at Out of Mana. Can WoW save the planet? Kotaku has a piece on an environmental scientist who believes he has a plan to do just that. A Druid competing in PvP is interviewed about his thoughts on where the class stands in this season. Blessing of Kings looks at the importance of Strength for Retribution Paladins and how to balance it with other stats. The Penance Priest blog has a sure fire method to heal raid members through Kel'Thuzad's Frost Blast.

  • Addon Spotlight: Its' G15 Binder

    Sean Forsgren
    Sean Forsgren

    There has been a lot of talk about keyboards and mice as of late, leading many of you to look at your play style under a different light. There has also been a bit of buzz over at Macro Anatomy about binding keys to different actions and macros. Well, my friends, it's spring, love is in the air and these two fascinating subjects have found romance. The developer of Its G15 Binder addon tipped us off to the updated version of this simple, but useful mod. It has one very simple requirement, you should probably be using Logitech's G15 Keyboard to get the most use out of this addon. I should also mention that the developer made special mention of our own Adam Holisky as a potential fan of this addon, so consider the hat tipped in your direction, Adam.

  • Breakfast Topic: Consumable consumption

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    So I have a question: how exactly do you use your consumables?I noticed a few weeks ago now that I never really used my consumables when I was supposed to. On my Resto Shaman, I have Nature's Swiftness bound to Q (since my left hand is always on WASD) as a panic button-- need a heal instantly, hit it fast. But consumables like potions and healthstones just sat in my bag-- I almost never remembered to whip them out when the party was going down.So recently, I opened up the second hotbar on the right side, and put all my various pots and healthstones there. That way I'm just one click away from one if I need them. And that's worked pretty well-- now, even the tank sometimes forgets to use his healthstone, but I always have them available in a clinch.But they're still all the way on the side of the screen, and it seems like I could do it faster. How do you have your consumables set up? Do you forget to use them all the time, or do you have them bound to a certain key, ready to jump into action at a moment's notice?

  • To click or not to click?

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    Flipping through the forums I came across a post by Taithleech where he was asking why everyone seems to think clicking is bad. It's only been recently that I knew about this debate, but I can't really call it a debate if it's one sided, can I? A lot of players seem to believe that using keybindings is the only way to play. When I started playing World of Warcraft I was actually taught by a friend to use the mouse to click on my spells as a way of improving my speed in the game. Since hearing about the keybinding argument I have recently tried using them more than my mouse in instances, and I do find that my speed has greatly improved. Now, being the frost mage I find I spend a lot of time spamming Frostbolt, so that's a situation where I don't think clicking the spell with my mouse hinders me in any way. There are even fights, such as Warlord Kalithresh, where I use a combination of keyboard and mouse to maximize my speed. Many of the posts on the forum thread made reference to something I hadn't considered. They say that in order to play WoW properly, you need to approach it like an FPS. I guess this argument is particularly valid if you spend a lot of time in the arenas. I personally have little FPS experience, and so this viewpoint makes me a bit uneasy. I see the advantage of working your keyboard to its full advantage, but I'm just not sure I've got the reflexes to play like that. In the end I will have to agree with one poster who said that clicking isn't wrong, it's just slower. Where do you side on the keybindings/clicking debate?

  • Reader UI of the Week: Omegi

    Paul Sherrard
    Paul Sherrard

    This week, Omegi, a member of <J E T T> on Kalecgos horde-side sends in his fairly minimal UI. It gets me to thinking, and I hope it'll get you to thinking too. Here's what's on my mind - what's more efficient: well-placed buttons with easy visual clues, or an array of keybindings that you commit to memory? Omegi has a set of keybindings which are great, and I'm digging the large buttons for infrequently used items/skills. Here is the UI I have grown to love over the career of my mage. Here is a list of mods and key bindings. My mod list: CT Raid Assist: Only for the group bars to show buffs. A raid leader must know his class officers are buffing up their members properly. Bongos: This allowed me to move buttons around and make them smaller or larger. It also allows me to color the square for range notification and allows easy hover and click key bindings. Cryolosys Revived: A mage must have. Otherwise you have 2 bars of useless buffs Natures Enemy Cast bar: Shows enemy and friendly cast and cool down timers. I know when a soulstone is available or when someones polymorph timer is up. Deadly Boss Mods: Better than CT Boss mods by a long shot. Easy Combat log: It's color coded crap for idiots like me. Titan Panel: duh? Improved Camera2 : extends the range you can zoom out. EZdismount: click a spell while mounted and you dismount for the fast attack. Trinket Menu: better trinket management. Xperl Unit Frames: Better group frames Smart Debuff: Every debuff class must have it.