

  • MMO Mechanics: Kill 10 rats can be fun!

    Tina Lauro
    Tina Lauro

    Quests are increasingly an MMO enthusiast's bread and butter, often becoming the staple component of a game's typical serving of progressive content. Over the years, developers have tried to serve up this familiar progression mechanic in many different ways: The modern themepark MMO makes us fetch, carry, explore, and investigate our way to the endgame through countless quest types and story arcs. Among the varieties of quest on offer, kill quests seem to cause the most tears and tantrums amongst picky players. No matter what developers do, there just isn't much love for missions that send characters off with a shopping list of mundane creatures to crush. Kill quests have become so common that plenty of MMOs have cheekily referenced the "10 rats" trope by literally making us smash in some rodent skulls, but killing cute, twitchy-nosed creatures is not the real problem. It's the uninspired kill list mechanic that often incites complaints of developer laziness, an argument that I don't think is justified. Kill quests exist to hone your skills through repetition, but they don't have to feel like an arduous grinding task and are actually a very useful mechanic for game designers. In this week's MMO Mechanics, I stand up for the unloved stepchild of questing; I'll show you that killing a list of creatures can be both contextually engaging and mechanistically interesting, depending on how it's presented.

  • The Soapbox: What's my motivation?

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    If you play MMOs, odds are good that you're familiar with the classic "kill ten rats" quest trope. Kill quests are one of the most fundamental elements of traditional MMORPG design, and a great deal of modern and classic MMOs would have little to no content without them. Whether it's ten rats, ten wolves, ten bandits, or ten dragons, the basic gist of the quest is always the same: You, the seasoned adventurer, must eliminate animals or enemies for an NPC who for one reason or another cannot handle the task himself. MMOs are built on combat. It's difficult to design a full-featured MMO that engages players for years on end without some sort of PvE killing content; only a handful of MMOs have even attempted it. And while some would say the days of the kill quest are coming to an end, modern MMOs certainly aren't cutting back on killing in general. As a primary mechanic for advancing a character, slaying seems to be the most popular design choice. I don't have a problem with the bulk of my progression coming from throwing fireballs or bashing shields. I don't mind obliterating monsters in multiples of five. What I do mind, however, is being asked to kill without a good reason.

  • Ryan Shwayder revives MMO lessons series

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Former 38 Studios designer Ryan Shwayder is using his time off to work on his personal blog and share his perspective as a developer. He's revived a series from years ago called MMO Lessons, adding the 37th and 38th entries over the past two days. His 37th lesson is to create memorable moments. "It is impossible to make every adventure in your game memorable, exciting, and unique," Shwayder writes. "But you can create incredible moments for your players and purposefully distribute them throughout the experience so players experience highs as they play the game." Shwayder also defends kill quests but says that they usually need context or a twist to keep them fresh and fun: "Kill quests get a bad rap, but there's nothing inherently wrong with them."

  • Massively's WAR Camp: How to get the Stalker set gear

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    This week on the WAR Camp, we have taken a look at one of the sets of gear that is available to Tier 3 players -- the Stalker's set gear. Just like the Tracker's set in Tier 2 that we looked at a few weeks ago, the Stalker's gear is obtained through a combination of RvR and PvE questing. After killing a whole bunch of players, you'll need to bring a group of friends to take on some Hero mobs. The end result is a set of gear complete with bonuses, Armory unlocks and a title: The Stalker. Kinda cool, right? Click the button below and we'll show you, in gallery guide form, how you can be a Stalker too! The Stalker's Set Guide %Gallery-34148% Did you enjoy this? Make sure to check out our Warhammer guides: Massively's Character Creation Guide and our WoW Player's Guide to Warhammer. Plus, don't miss any of our ongoing coverage as Massively goes to WAR!

  • Rise of Kunark replaces lore with bore

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    If any sect of gamers was ever prone to nostalgia, it's RPG players. If you're ever in a situation where you want to get a nerd talking, just ask him about the most epic D&D campaign he's ever been a party to. It's got a 99.9% success rate, just try it. In the same vein, Clockwork Gamer's Kendricke spins a yarn about his nostalgia for the pure story-driven goodness of his first introduction into the world of high fantasy. Using Rise of Kunark as an example, he explains how the repetitive kill and fetch quests that proliferate in the new EQ2 expansion have neutered whatever sense of time and place the player had.It's a sentiment that's nothing new, as our own Marc Nottke recently proclaimed the death of roleplaying in MMO. Kendricke's argument is much more focused, however. He say that Rise of Kunark has none of the pan-expansion story arcs that made Planes of Power, Legacy of Ykesha, and even Gates of Discord fun for players. Is it really any surprise then when players blast through all the content in a manner of days? You can't stop and smell the roses if there aren't any flowers on the way.