
  • ICYMI: Facebook VR selfies, laser-powered water and more


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  • Plants vs. Zombies brings the turf war to K'NEX


    K'NEX is making a line of Plants vs. Zombies toy sets, ranging from adorable mystery figurines to large battlegrounds. The following Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX sets are available now: Mystery Figure Bags, a Pirate Ship set, Wall-nut Bowling set, Cone Mech set, Football Mech set, Wild West Skirmish set, Jetpack Zombie Attack set and Pirate Seas Plank Walk set. The Pirate Seas set is the most expensive at $50, while the Mystery Figure Bags are $4 each, and the rest fill in the gaps. Now it's possible not only to play Plants vs. Zombies in your living room, but all over your living room. [Image: K'NEX]

  • Titanfall K'Nex sets drop in on the US this fall


    Now you can own a real-life mech from Titanfall – scaled down and made out of plastic, and with some assembly required. The K'Nex Titanfall line is due out this fall in the US, with six sets including various environments and robots, running from $13 to $100. The $100 option is called "Titanfall: Ultimate Angel City Campaign Building Set," and it includes 1,200 pieces to build two 12-inch Titans, six other figures (Pilots and Spectres), and "an assortment of working weapons and stationary turrets." Here's hoping that "working weapons" means they shoot little plastic sticks that look like rockets, and not actual tiny rockets. The MILITIA Ogre Titan set and IMC Atlas Titan set each run $35 and include their respective mechs, plus a Pilot that works with the Titan. The remaining sets focus on buildings. See the breakdown of each option below. [Image: EA]