knights of the old republic


  • Star Wars the only IP that can challenge World of Warcraft?

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Games industry rumor-monger Surfer Girl is apparently not done with MMO-bombshells yet. Last week she partially deflated the hopes of folks wanting a Massively Multiplayer version of Knights of the Old Republic. Today she says she sees the SOE/LucasArts venture Star Wars Galaxies closing down within a year of the release of the new game. Lucas and the (unnamed) company working on the new MMO apparently think Star Wars is "the only IP that can pose a serious challenge [to] World of Warcraft". She also claims that the Old Republic setting is too niche to fully utilize the Star Wars IP, which is why it's not the new game's setting. If the new MMO is set in the same period as the new television show, as she previously claimed, it will likely take place sometime between Episode III and IV. That previously untapped period in the Galaxy Far, Far Away is the setting for most of Lucas' new projects. She goes on to say that LucasArts and the dev house expect their new project to have at least three million subscribers by the end of its first year. As for what BioWare is actually working on, she intimates that the Edmonton studio is working on a new KOTOR title. The MMO the Austin studio is making (according to an earlier post of hers) "has a fantasy setting akin to the company's previous fantasy role playing games." So ... Dungeons and Dragons possibly? The world made so much more sense last week. Do you think she is right about WoW and Star Wars? Is the Force the only thing that could shake Azeroth's deathgrip on the massive gaming genre?

  • Rumor: New Star Wars MMO isn't from BioWare?

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Have you ever read the Surfer Girl Reviews Star Wars blog? Despite the name, she usually has nothing to say about the Galaxy Far, Far Away. Instead, she regularly drops deep insider tidbits about the gaming industry. Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know type stuff. If she's a scammer, she's good enough to fool some of the best in the business. One of the men behind the curtain at the well respected site Gamasutra, Simon Carless, regularly deconstructs her posts on the GameSetWatch blog. She generally passes his sniff test.So why do I mention her here? Because early today she dropped a possible bombshell on all of us who have been really hoping BioWare's MMO-in-development is Knights of the Old Republic Online. Says the Girl: "Next year's Star Wars MMO, not being developed by BioWare or Sony Online Entertainment, will launch simultaneously for PC and consoles alongside the debut of the first Star Wars TV series in fall 2009, of which the storylines of the game will tie into. Those Artistic Lucases already have a second online title planned that I've heard has nothing to do with Star Wars."Jigga-wha? If this is true and the next Star Wars MMO isn't from BioWare or SOE, who is making it? Does this mean that BioWare isn't making KOTORO? I can't imagine that come 2010 or 2011 there will be three Star Wars based online games around. Anyone have a guess as to what's going on here?

  • Massively's gift guide for the Star Wars Galaxies player

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    They say pet owners look like their pets. There are enough people who put stock in their horoscope to see it put in the daily newspaper. Heck, even which Hogwarts House you identify with probably says something about you. So why not your Massively Multiplayer game of choice? Over the next few weeks we at Massively are going to do our level best to help you make holiday gift giving easy. We'll run down some of the player archetypes you might have among your friends, based on the games they play. We'll give you gift ideas perfect for that type of player and (if it seems right) even some in-game presents that might fit well with their play style.Today I've got a pile of gift ideas for that rare breed: the Star Wars Galaxies player. Playing a much-maligned game can be hard, but the folks still participating in the story of the galaxy far, far away have their reasons. Maybe it's the crafting, maybe it's the twitch combat ... maybe it's the awesome player housing. For that player - be they Jedi or Bounty Hunter, Sith or Savior - we have an idea that'll keep them happily humming John Williams music on December 25th.Read on for our gift ideas, and (please) toss out your own in the comments!

  • The Digital Continuum: Five potential Star Wars settings

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    This isn't a "Top Five" list, but rather a list of five possible settings for a Star Wars MMO that I've complied for your reading pleasure. With the rumors flying around about a Bioware Star Wars MMO, the topic of just where in the Star Wars timeline the game would even be set appears to be absent from discussion. Everyone is assuming that Bioware would just sit back and do another Knights of the Old Republic game because they've had previous success with that property. However, it is possible that if Bioware is indeed developing a Star Wars MMO they're placing it in an entirely different era altogether. I know that if I'd already made a fabulous game set in KOTOR I would probably want to explore other avenues of interest that have yet to truly be touched on.Follow the jump for an overview on five of those places.

  • Bioware and the KotOR MMO

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    Primo has just confirmed some juicy news about the Bioware Star Wars MMO project we have been hearing rumors about. Well, if you've perhaps been living under a rock, let me summarize: people have been talking about the possibility of Bioware working in conjunction with Lucas Arts to build an MMO set in the Star Wars universe that isn't, you know Star Wars Galaxies. I'm here to tell you that we now know this game will be based on the incredibly popular Knights of the Old Republic.Now, despite my firm belief that George Lucas is a hack of a writer, he has some brilliance when it comes to world building and the marketing of those created worlds. To that end, I admit that this non-Star Wars fan is kinda excited about this news. It remains to be seen if the new Star Wars MMO will suck less than the current iteration of SWG. But then again, it is Bioware we are talking about, and that bodes all kind of well for this project.

  • Mass Murder 101: How to be a hero

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    It's a fact that the majority of what we do in World of Warcraft is kill things. Nearly all the supplementary activities we engage in, from shopping to crafting, are all basically to help us improve the effectiveness of our violent capabilities. Many players have noted that if WoW were at all real, then nearly every one of our characters would be considered a genocidal maniac for all the people and creatures we have killed, and yet we view ourselves as heroes.The idea is, of course, that most of the lives we take are really evil anyway, so we're actually doing the real good guys a favor. We kill tons of demons, ghosts, zombies, dragonkin, giants, and rabid beasts -- even most of the humanoids we kill are bandits or wicked cultists of one sort or another. This way we do lots of killing, but still feel as though we are heroes.There are some situations in the game, however, that turn things around for us, in which our character is not the hero. While there are some higher-level instances such as the Black Morass, or the new Caverns of Time: Stratholme, in which one could argue either way whether what we're doing is good or evil, most of situations in which you are clearly the bad guy, as far as I am aware, have to do with the undead, and to a lesser extent the blood elves as well. Of course, you can argue that in general, undead are just misunderstood, and the blood elves are just tragically misled, but as in the case of quests in Hillsbrad that ask you to go slaughter human farmers, or help develop a new plague, there's really no denying that your character is doing something "morally wrong."

  • KotOR franchise to continue, says LucasArts

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    digg_url = ''; Not sure how I missed this one last week. All that turkey and football must have conspired with the dark side to cloud my awareness of all things Star Wars. In an interview with Next Generation's Colin Campbell, LucasArts VP Nancy MacIntyre mapped out her company's plans to continue delivering Star Wars goodness to Force-sensitive geeks like me over the next few years. "Our fans want a logical progression of the Star Wars story line, so we are committed to only two Star Wars experiences a year," says MacIntyre. This must be a new policy moving forward because there have been no fewer than 25 Star Wars titles released in the past seven years (not counting handhelds), and at least one of those games had some serious continuity problems. Still, the best news is the continuation of an old favorite, as MacIntyre confirms: "We've also got Star Wars franchises like Knights of the Old Republic ... that we will not leave behind. It's very important to us that we grow those franchises." It's important to us too, Nancy! The big question now is, will Obsidian return to helm the Ebon Hawk? Feargus Urquhart indicated earlier this year they would be happy to work on KotOR 3, but whomever LucasArts selects, let's hope enough time is allocated to finish the next installment properly. See also: Mod community strikes back, restoring KotOR2

  • Mass Effect combat video uses the force

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you sat down last night to watch ... The G-Hole (shudder), expecting to see the new Mass Effect trailer, you were sorely disappointed. We have received word that trailer had to be cut due to time constraints. If you feel slighted, then fear not, for the trailer is available on MTV's cavernous flash site. If you'd rather not traverse such fetid places -- even if it is the only place you'll find the trailer in hi-res -- you can watch the YouTubified version after the break.

  • Star Wars PC collection ships next week

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    While browsing the LucasArts store yesterday, I noticed a new collection that brought back fond memories of the LucasArts Archives from ten years ago. Star Wars: The Best of PC will be available starting next Tuesday (11/21), and will include the following titles: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (2002) Knights of the Old Republic (2003) Battlefront (2004) Republic Commando (2005) Empire at War (2006) Star Wars Galaxies 14-day trial Hardcore Star Wars fans may scoff at the "Best of" title when classics such as Tie Fighter, Rogue Squadron, and Shadows of the Empire are absent from the box. But this isn't a bad assortment at $40, and it offers a little bit of everything for PC gamers on your holiday shopping list who enjoy different genres. How many of you plan on picking this up, either for yourself or someone else?

  • Mod community strikes back, restoring KotOR2

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    LucasArts may or may not be guilty of pressuring Obsidian into wrapping up Knights of the Old Republic 2 before it was ready, but the Star Wars licenser isn't standing in the way of independent efforts to restore the game to its originally intended glory. In another inspiring example of mod communities taking matters into their own hands, Team Gizka (named after the small reptilian creatures in KotOR) has been hard at work restoring much of the "lost content " that is noticeably absent from The Sith Lords. You can check the Restoration Project web site for weekly updates as they near completion of a PC patch that should give fans a more complete KotOR2 experience than the standalone retail edition. Team Gizka is also considering an Xbox patch, but a decision won't be made until after the PC update is released.See also: D&D fans fix Temple of Elemental Evil

  • Mass Effect rumored for the PC

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    An article scan from the latest PC Gamer UK reveals that BioWare's Mass Effect could be heading to the PC. This is most welcome news for Windows gamers, but hardly surprising when you consider the Canadian developer's previous two Xbox titles followed the same path. Knights of the Old Republic started out as an Xbox exclusive, and its PC conversion followed four months later. Also, a special edition PC port of Jade Empire was announced at E3 and will ship in January. Mass Effect doesn't arrive on the Xbox 360 until Q2, so we probably wouldn't see the rumored PC release until late next year. We'll let you know if we hear any confirmation details.[Thanks to the readers who sent this in!]

  • Massively dark Mass Effect screens

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    CVG -- the folks that pseudo confirmed Assassin's Creed for the 360 -- has posted some screens of BioWare's Mass Effect. All of them appear to be taken from combat sections of the game, and all of them are pretty dark. Perhaps that's why the CVG article in question was down at the time of this writing. Luckily, QJ has done us all a favor and hosted the images themselves.While you may not be able to make out much detail, you can at least rest assured that Mass Effect will feature super trendy nighttime levels. Lest these screens leave you doubting Mass Effect's graphical prowess, be sure and check out the video on XBLM, or right here. So, who wants this? (Me.)

  • Get your Mass Effect here! [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you haven't been able to grab the video on XBLM, or if your slavish devotion to X360F prevents you from checking it out on Joystiq, here is the recently released Mass Effect video. If I am not mistaken, it is rendered using something called "streaming" technology. Simply amazing.So, if you've got four minutes to spare, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.[Via Joystiq]Update 1: Replaced not working Gamevideos video with reliable Youtube. Sweet.

  • Obsidian's Avellone on breaking into the industry

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Over at Penny Arcade, Obsidian co-founder Chris Avellone has some advice for aspiring game designers. A creative force behind RPG classics Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale and the upcoming Neverwinter Nights 2, Avellone is always an entertaining read. He values persistence, practical experience, and attention to detail over academic background. And if you want to be a writer, a sense of humor doesn't hurt, either. Just make sure your email address isn't Chris will explain why.See also: NWN mod creator on Atari, Infinite Dungeons Obsidian's Urquhart: happy thoughts on KoTOR 3