

  • DS releases for the week of October 1st

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Hmm ... isn't there something spectacular hitting this week? Maybe we're thinking of another week ... no, it must be Holly Hobbie & Friends, right? You know you want it!Seriously, folks, DS fans have loads to be pleased about this week. Not only are we getting what may end up being our game of the year, but there are tons of other options if you happen to not be a Zelda fan (gasp!) or if you want to pick up a second or third title. What's on your shopping list? Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol Crash of the Titans Holly Hobbie & Friends Kurupoto Cool Cool Stars The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Master Jin Jin's IQ Challenge Spider-Man: Friend or Foe For the releases in other major markets, sail past the break. Importers especially take note: Mistwalker's Archaic Sealed Heat debuts this week in Japan.

  • Spyro Eternal Night less awesome on DS

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Remember how we lauded The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night on Game Boy Advance for being a beautifully drawn side-scrolling brawler with a nice combo system? Yeah, that's not happening on DS. Eternal Night on DS is a regular Spyro game, which for the DS means a PlayStation-looking 3D platformer for children. Which is fine for children. 1UP has new screens of all the polygons and such.There are plenty of 3D platformers in the world. What we need more of is Metroidvania-style free-roaming 2D action games.

  • Legend of Spyro: Eternal Night looks awesome, seriously

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Our eyes must've been glazed over by Phantom Hourglass previews and Contra 4 face-rocking to have missed this Legend of Spyro: Eternal Night E3 Trailer. Forget whatever negative preconceptions you might have for the Spyro series; this game looks hotter than a June bride on a featherbed. If you've been hoping for a platformer/beat-em-up to lay it down on the GBA, then look to this title for your down-laying needs. Legend of Spyro: Eternal Night has it all -- gorgeous backgrounds, slick physics, and a badical combo system. We would describe the combat as Devil May Cry meets Astro Boy: Omega Factor. Think we're pulling your leg? Swoop past the post break for a 50-hit combo clip. We had no idea games like this we're still being made for the dying handheld!