

  • Queue for all the LFRs at once in patch 5.4

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Mists of Pandaria added the option to queue for every different type of content at once, but new with patch 5.4 is the ability to queue for every LFR at once. Yes, literally every single one. This means you can queue for all the LFRs at once, and from my experience today at least, it seems that once you're done with your first LFR of the day, your second queue has popped. It apparently maintains your place in the queue while you're inside the instance, so you will lose absolutely nothing by doing one LFR while you wait. There is a limit on the number of instances you can queue for, which seems, at the moment at least, to be around ten instances. At that point, it just started telling me that I couldn't add any more to my list. But, as you can see to the right-hand side, it is very possible to queue for a large number of LFRs all at once, and add more to your queue list as you complete them. What it doesn't seem to do is particularly prioritize the ones you added first, but that is a very small price to pay for finally being able to queue for all the LFRs at once!

  • QueueSpy, an addon to solve those LFR queue pop blues

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    UPDATE: Bashiok has clarified to us that this addon was running off of inaccurate information and did not work properly. More importanly, the popup's lack of progress information was intentional. More info here. We've been getting reports that some people are not able to see how many bosses have been cleared when their Looking For Raid queue finally pops. There have been some posts popping up on the official forums, but there has not been an official blue post yet as to whether this is indeed a bug, or an intended change with the recent 5.1 patch. At this time, we believe that it is a bug as we've also been receiving reports that some players are able to see how many bosses are already killed on their queue pops. With that in mind, some players have put their noses to the grindstone and written an addon to help you find out how many of those bosses are defeated if you find yourself with the queue pop bug. It's a quick fix, and it works quite well as a solution to a potentially annoying bug. The addon outputs the boss total to your chat window instead of putting it back into your queue screen, which is actually a really nice work around. The addon is lightweight, and until we hear official word whether or not this is a bug or a feature, this seems to be the way to go. If you find yourself in burning need to know exactly how many bosses are waiting for you in your LFR queue, then you can download this addon over at Curse or WoWInterface. It's quick and easy to install, and requires zero configuration. A special thanks to Stoppableforce for whipping up this addon quickly for everyone to use. Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

  • Is the new LFR loot system working for you?

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    I'm not, by and large, a huge fan of LFR. Most of this isn't really due to the raids themselves, but to the fact that as a DPS I generally feel like I have to wait an eternity for that queue to fill up, especially if I wait until the end of the week to run the thing. But I like seeing the fights, and I like beating things up. I like getting loot. Unfortunately, that last statement doesn't really happen very often. I've gotten a bare handful of pieces out of LFR, but most of the time my reward is simply gold, and the valor I get at the end of the run. That seems to be the case for most players -- after each boss kill is a litany of "Oh no, not gold again, I never get anything from here." But then I started thinking about it, and what exactly that new loot system has done for LFR raiding. Oddly enough, it's changed it in a significant manner.

  • Raid Finder: Too easy?

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    There's been a bit of discussion taking place over on the official forums about the ease of the raid finder's first three bosses, released on October 9th in the US. It's no great surprise, really, that this ever-controversial feature is stirring up ire in the forums, with complaints that it's too easy. Blizzard Blue Taepsilum has weighed in, with some interesting ideas on the Raid Finder's difficulty settings. First and foremost, the main issue Blizzard seems to have at the front of their minds is that the Raid Finder, unlike normal and heroic difficulties, is specifically designed for random groups. These are not your well-oiled machine guild groups, your Methods and Vodkas, these are a bunch of players who've probably never met each other before, and probably never will again. Sure you can join the Raid Finder as a group if you want to, but that's not really what it's designed for.

  • What is the purpose of the Raid Finder?

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    There has been a recent thread on the EU forums getting quite some blue attention that's discussing the purpose of the raid finder, including some hefty criticisms of it, as you'd expect for any newer feature. I don't have the space to put all the blue posts in this article, but this is what the Wowhead blue tracker is made for. This thread made me sit up and think about what in fact the real purpose of this game feature was. A rung on the gearing ladder The raid finder, when it first appeared, was famously exploited for gear by guilds -- and indeed, it still is, although within the rules. Gone are the days of the glitches exploited by Paragon, landing themselves a ban. But those issues aside, the raid finder has become very much a step on the gearing ladder for any new character, and guilds put this to good use when gearing up their colleagues, going into the raid finder as a group or with several people all on the same token. So if a guild member had a new priest to gear up, a guild might join as a party of paladins, priests and warlocks to get that new priest several rolls on token drops, as the tokens could be passed between players. Offering as it does not only higher item level gear than heroic dungeons but also tier pieces and the associated set bonuses, the raid finder was a valuable source of easily obtained upgrades for a new character. And so as it progressed, more and more players came into it that were cheating the item level requirements, making the fights longer and the rage more ragey. Do you remember the start of the raid finder? When the instances were new? How polite and excited people were to see the new boss mechanics! It was actually fun then.

  • Zarhym hints at cross-realm raiding

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    In a recent player-created thread about cross-realm raiding on the official forums, Community Manager Zarhym popped in with seven enigmatic words: Zarhym We have some plans. They're good plans. source