

  • LHCsound brings the noise, asks how low Higgs boson can go

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    God particle. The Champagne bottle boson. Non-existon. Mysteron. The Higgs boson particle is certainly known by a lot of names, and now we can add another to the list: rock god. The UK's Science and Technology Facilities Council has created "LHCsound: the sound of science." It's a series of (confusingly organized) pages offering acoustic renditions of the Large Hadron Collider's greatest hits, like proton collision, detector sweeps, and, our favorite, simulated Higgs Boson delay, which you can hear after the break. The data created by the energy and frequency of particle decay is used to modify the sound of running water, resulting in a generally creepy effect. We think it'd be perfect for accompanying your next foggy exploration of Silent Hill, but perhaps the next episode of Half Life 2 would be more appropriate.[Thanks, John C.]