

  • Purism expands its line of privacy-focused devices to include a 2-in-1

    Roberto Baldwin
    Roberto Baldwin

    If you're looking for a high-end tablet that also doubles as a laptop, your most obvious choices are the Microsoft Surface Pro and Apple iPad Pro. Purism -- a company already known for its security-focused laptops -- thinks there needs to be a third option. One that's packed with open-source software and won't share your private data with giant tech companies. With that in mind, it announced a line of tablets, with 10- and 11-inch screen sizes. Though the form factor is different than what the company is already known for, though, the ethos remains the same.

  • Completely open source, high-end laptop gets closer to reality

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If you've wanted a laptop where all the software is free and open source (FOSS), you've usually had to settle for mediocre hardware. Even FOSS champion Richard Stallman is making do with a ThinkPad that's several years old. At last, though, it looks like you won't have to compromise your ideology for the sake of keeping up with the Joneses. Purism has successfully crowdfunded the Librem 15, a portable PC that combines modern parts (such as a 3.4GHz Core i7 and an optional 4K display) with software that's accessible from head to toe. The operating system (a variant of Trisquel GNU/Linux), hardware drivers and included apps are all free and open -- Purism is even trying to loosen up the BIOS and firmware.