

  • Lich King figure revealed at Toy Fair

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Toy Fair started up in New York City yesterday, and as you might expect, there's some nice shiny new Warcraft toys coming out to the event too. Specifically, our friends over at UGO got an exclusive shot of DC Direct's new Lich King. If you're going to feel a bit nostalgic about the poor guy once Patch 3.3 is past and Cataclysm is upon us, I have to say this statue looks like a pretty good way of remembering him. All the iconic details are there, although from this picture, I have to admit Frostmourne looks a bit... small. Of course, that could be because Arthas is in full hulking out threat display there. Overall, it looks a pretty awe inspiring piece, and hopefully we'll be able to get a closer look at it soon. There's more toys to come as well, including these intriguing shots straight from the show, which showcase, among other things, Sylvanas, a worgen, a goblin, and a paladin in Judgement armor.