

  • Live in the Past, It's Cheaper (2009 Edition)

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    .nounderline a { text-decoration: none; } Money can buy you a lot of things, but it can't buy you patience. You can't really put a price on the ability to abandon that must-have, do-want and day-one impulse -- and if you could, it would probably cost quite a bit more than what you hope to save by simply taking a deep breath and waiting for the hottest game to cool down. If this holiday season has granted you a brand new console with an old and bloated backlog, you might find a good selection in 2008's best games, particularly in Joystiq's top ten favorites. Read on to find the industry's former best, now with a year's worth of price erosion. Mirror's Edge | Dead Space | Far Cry 2 | LittleBigPlanet | Gears of War 2 Braid | Fallout 3 | Left 4 Dead | Metal Gear Solid 4 | Fable II

  • Holidaze 2008: Live in the past, it's cheaper

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Bad news, everybody: 2008 is the new 2007. Those of us lucky enough to have survived last year's unyielding flood of exquisite games expected the new holiday to provide some respite -- perhaps an influx of blessedly mediocre games -- but alas, our wallets are once again tugged in every $60 direction. But what's worse? The deafening din of desirable games, or that irresistible impulse to play and master every adventure the very second it becomes available? Provided you can defeat the latter reflex, we have a simple suggestion: Live in the past. It's cheaper! We've dredged up our decisive, if ever-so-slightly controversial list of the ten best games of Oh Seven, hoping you'll find a fantastic experience you mistakenly overlooked. You'll find that the passage of time has taken a pleasing toll on the recommended price of admission. In fact, we've traveled forward in time to this very moment, hoping to pick up our 2007 nominees on the cheap. What do you think? Should we make Portal our Game of the Year?

  • Holidaze 2008: Live in the past, it's cheaper (Page 2)

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare What we said then: "Perhaps the most surprising thing about the game is how few actual revolutionary concepts are contained within. It selects existing game design tools, hones them to practical perfection and creates what is, in our opinion, the military shooter against which all others must be judged." What we say now: "An essential 'tunnel of fun' shooter with a rewarding multiplayer component. If you find yourself disappointed by this year's Call of Duty: World at War, it's probably this game's fault." Current retail price: $39.99 (Game of the Year edition)