

  • DS Fanswag: Win your own Nintendo DS Browser

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Move over, Caturday -- it's time for DS macros to take the stage. It's no secret that we're somewhat fond of those memes from the internets around here. Some may even say we're too fond, but really, is that even possible? Can there be a meme overload? Let's test it and find out. We've got a shiny new copy of the Nintendo DS Browser (Lite or Phat -- your choice!) up for grabs for the best DS macro. That's right, folks: we want to see DS macros. Cat macros are so yesterday. The DS is the new cat.The best DS macro (as judged by the DS Fanboy staff) will win its creator this spankin' new browser, and we'll send out a couple of those Jimi game shells to the runner-up. And yes, fan folks -- if you can manage to incorporate both the DS and a cat or two, it might just earn you bonus points. All you have to do is make a lolDS pic (we expect to see a lot of weeping hinge cracks) and e-mail it as an attachment (along with your responses to this form, which allows us to post the winners) to dsfanboy.contests [at] with "lolDS contest" in the subject line. You can enter as many times as you'd like, but please, for our sanity and yours, send only one DS macro per e-mail. Get cracking, because this contest is only open through Friday, August 24; anything received after the clock ticks over onto Saturday on the east cost will be discarded. We'll announce the winners on Monday, August 27, and also show off the best DS macros, as created by you.Don't forget to check out the official rules, as there are some very particular guidelines that must be followed if you want your entries considered. Specifically, if you are under eighteen, you must supply not only your e-mail address, but a valid e-mail address for your parents as well, so that we may notify them that you are entering this contest. Parents who do not wish their minor children to participate may have those entries removed by e-mailing us at remove.requests [at] And once again, to the disappointment of our international readers, this contest is open only to residents of the U.S. Though we've already listed the form above, if you wish to enter, you must agree to and include this information, which means you agree to the terms and conditions of our contest as laid out in the official rules. Get reading, get clicking, and start making some pictures!