

  • An unreleased Superman NES game for your enjoyment

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    This post is a little bit of a history lesson, but at the end you get to play a game, so stick with us. A few years ago, an unreleased Sunsoft game, called Sunman, was uncovered -- and it was pretty clearly a re-purposed Superman game. Now, an even earlier version of that same game (which actually features the Man of Steel!) has been discovered and made available for your perusal.The gameplay is so-so, but there's an absolutely gorgeous version of John Williams' Superman theme that we just adore. It's worth it for the music alone, trust us.

  • VC Friday: Super Mario Update

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    It's only been three months since the previous Hanabi Festival ended, but a third has already kicked off, bringing us PAL gamers a slew of (usually) fantastic U.S. and Japan-only games that never saw the light of day in Europe or Australia. In the coming weeks, we'll be buying Wii Points for Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (NES), Dig Dug (NES), Spelunker (NES), and DoReMi Fantasy: Milon's DokiDoki Adventure (SNES).This week is Mario week, meaning you're probably going to need to stock up on Wii Points. While Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels did appear for a limited period during the first Hanabi Festival, it's now here to stay forever. That's pretty exciting, but even more thrilling is the appearance of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, a full twelve years after its original Japanese release. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars -- SNES -- 900 Wii Points Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels -- NES -- 600 Wii Points Jump in a green boot and hop past the break for footage of each game!

  • Wii Warm Up: Hanabi Festival

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Nintendo's releasing rare games like the Japan-exclusive Super Mario Bros. 2 and Mario's Super Picross in PAL regions, as part of a special "Hanabi Festival." Each week in September, awesome Japanese games will be released in themed groupings.This week's Mario games comprise Mario Week. Next week is Ninja Week, featuring the U.S. version of Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Jajamaru-kun. The following week, starting September 28, is Sci-Fi Week, with Gradius III and Sin and Punishment. This is currently PAL-only, but now that these previously unreleased games are on their way to Europe and Australia, the U.S. could be close behind.Pretty simple discussion topic this morning: how freaking awesome is this? Bonus discussion: how freaking awesome is the PC Engine CD/Super CDRom announcement? (Simple answer: DUDE CHO ANIKI)

  • Unlicensed, unreleased, un-bad NES game unearthed

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    As part of a new series on super-obscure games that should come to the Wii's virtual console, the prototype hounds over at The Lost Levels have unearthed Buzz and Waldog, an unreleased game from Korean company Daou Infosys. The colorful, well-made platformer was to be released by a mail-order publisher without an official license from Nintendo, putting it in rarefied company of those sleek black Tengen cartridges and crappy religious games. Unfortunately, the game never actually made it to market, though a few review copies did leak out. That's no reason for you not to enjoy it, though --The Lost Levels has released the ROM and a series of YouTube videos showing off the Mario/Sonic/Bonk inspired gameplay. Good stuff. [Via GameSetWatch]