

  • Lord of the Rings Online's Summer Festival is here!

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Hear ye, hear ye, Free Peoples of Middle-earth! Summer is upon us, and that can only mean one thing: Lord of the Rings Online's Summer Festival is kicking into full swing. Throughout the course of the festival, you citizens of Middle-earth can "show your skill with reins or rod in the time-honored racing and fishing challenges [and] take part in new challenges too, and discover what new rewards are to be won!" Those of you lot who are the gambling sort can place your bets on the keg races, as four Dwarves face off to see who is stoutest of stomach and fleetest of foot. If you'd prefer to show your own skills rather than placing wagers on others, then get behind the reins at the the horse races. After all that excitement, wind down with a scavenger hunt, or go drinking with the Ale Association or the Inn League for fun and profit. And what would any festival be without music and dancing? For the full details on this upcoming event, check out the announcement on LotRO's official site.

  • LotRO dev diary looks at this year's Summer Festival

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Now that the Summer Festival has begun in Lord of the Rings Online, a new developer diary has been posted that tells us a bit about some of the events, and what's different from previous festivals. This year, party invitations have been sent to each player's mailbox. This is more than a formality -- handing in the invitation will net you a Summer Festival Guide and Fishing Guide, to help with your enjoyment of the festivities and to make sure that you don't miss out on anything that's going on. There should also be an extra little present along with the two guides.The developer diary goes on to talk about two big events that are taking place during the Festival, The Keg Races at Thorin's Hall and The Taste of Hobbiton. Each of these events has four contestants, and you can learn a lot more about them at the diary. Lastly, it unfortunately looks like the Festival Run Horse Races won't be held this year. However, it's not all bad news: "The festival run token is still being offered as a reward to those who can generate a sizeable quantity of barter tokens. This means the Lithe horse and pony will still be available to those who look forward to owning this eye-catching mount."